41 Roger Federer Shots That Defied Science 🧬

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Happy 41st birthday to tennis superstar Roger Federer! Here are 41 Roger Federer shots which defied science...

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The greatest _pure_ *player* and *shotmaker* to play this wonderful sport. He may not end up as its most successful winner (though he'll be right up there), but he did something much greater than just winning – he singly-handedly _elevated_ the sport by creating and revealing a new aesthetics for it. To put it simply – tennis incarnated itself in the Fed.


There has never been a player with the artistry and skill of this man. I can watch his highlights any day and time.


The reason why Federer is the greatest is his tennis. Incredible though they are, Novak is essentially a defensive player and Rafa is essentially a boxer with a tennis racket. Federer wasn’t just an artist he played ruthless offence. He was a killer with silk gloves. There’s a reason why most players and fans say he was the greatest. It’s because he was.


No one can make tennis look this easy, it´s art.


He uses his racquet like a an artist uses his paint brush, covering the canvas of the court with masterpiece strokes. A real treasure in the sporting world.


No one will ever be like him. The Hero, the Legend, the one and only, simply the GOAT.
Happy Birthday Roger


Of the Big 3, currently most records are against Federer, but he seems to enjoy the game much more than others. He is willing to play high risk shots, take ball on half volley or even innovate new shots.
Casual brilliance is something you can associate with Federer unlike Rafa or Novak. Kyrgios is another player that comes to mind when thinking of casual brilliance.
Federer game style is like Messi's. Lots of talent and less physical.
Whereas, Novak or Rafa style is like Ronaldo's, where the game is a lot more physical.
Really miss seeing him play.


The greatest there was, the greatest there is and the greatest there will be! Happy 41 RF! ❤️


Im a huge Novak fan but this guy was playing tennis like its the easiest sport in the world, just unbelivable


Tennis isn’t the same without him.
You feel something is missing out there.


Happy birthday Roger, one of the best players to ever grace the sport, great guy, pretty composed, stylish playing still without compromising precision, absolutely clinical. He is one of the reasons I started watching tennis, just like many others. Also the respect he has for his rivals and the spectacular games he plays against them makes him an admirable sportsman. People might argue about who is the GOAT in tennis, but the bottom line is very few get to this level.


There’s truly something so special about Roger… I’m someone who has never had any interest in tennis or any sport in general and yet by chance I stumbled on a video with Roger playing and I was transfixed?! I knew nothing about the game or its rules or how it should or shouldn’t be played but I just found Roger’s play style so wonderfully aesthetic and fun to watch?! In the little that I‘ve managed to learn about tennis, still no other player has made me feel this interested or fascinated with the sport! He’s in a league of his own when it comes to his style and charisma both on and off court — as he’s such a charming and cute person! Anyway, I hope he has a fabulous birthday, to still be playing and this integral to a sport at 41, it’s nothing short of incredible and inspiring! ❤️


Tennis legend, the" Greatest of all time", no tennis player can play or even come close to the level of tennis that Roger federer can display


There are several good compilations of Roger's most magical moments. This may well be the best of them. Not having seen him work these miracles for a couple of years now, this brings back the excitement of his artistry for all to see. No one like him, really, not even close.


A sporting ICON, the one and only, Roger Federer 🪄


He is not famous because of tennis Tennis is famous because of him
Happy birthday The real 🐐


I love Tennis, saw many players playing this beautiful sport..but Roger, my god..seeing him playing it's so unique..he looks like a butterfly floating on the field...what a class, style, technique...absolutely the master class of this sport!


Happy 41st Birthday to Roger Federer who made Tennis look Beautiful with his Elegance on the Court


Watching this on Sept 15 2022, the day Federer announced his retirement, makes me so emotional. My GOAT without a doubt!
Professional tennis would never be the same without him but I hope to see younger generations influenced by him, continue to make waves in the game just as he did.


I miss Roger. He is the most effortless, watchable player of all time.
