Trying Arrtx Oil Pastels and Guess What? It Didn't End Well... Again.

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#art #bensound #oilpastel #arrtx @BlackBeanCMS

Artist, Dad, & Hobbit
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i’m so glad blackbean is getting recognition!! his art is truly one of a kind! he’s very skilled and such a hilarious, kind person 🥺


I love channels like yours that show that even with years of practice and experience we will still mess up and that's ok. One of the things I repeat over and over is that with enough patience and time and practice, anyone can create decent art. Maybe we should all start a movement of posting our embarrassing sketchbook pages, like the "you can art" movement.

Let's all stop being afraid of mistakes. Embrace them!! They are what make life worth living.


Black Bean is SUCH a talented artist! Not to say that you aren't, Scott, but so happy you have highlighted him on your channel! The things he creates are just 🤯😍


Try this idea. I think it will help anyone struggling with oil pastels. Buy some good paintbrushes to use just for this purpose. Dab the paintbrush into some Bestine Solvent and Thinner, wipe off the excess, then paint it over the oil pastel drawing to softly blend the colors. This is how I use my oil pastels to paint with. You never have to worry about cotton fibers from q-tips embedding into the oil pastels, or holes being rubbed into your paper. After using the Bestine to blend the oil pastels let it dry well, and over time the smell will leave the artwork, and you have a beautiful oil pastel painting, which should be framed using glass that protects the artwork from light damage. A friend I use to go hiking with when I was a teen told me this tip when she gave me my first set of oil pastels. When I tried this technique I was so amazed at how beautiful the painting turned out! I think anyone will like this tip, so don’t give up on oil pastels. Good luck!
Turpentine will work just as well if you don’t have any Bestine. Both are smelly, so it’s best to work in a well ventilated area for safety. Sketch the outlines, then draw in the oil pastels, and lastly as the final step use the paint brush dipped in Bestine or turpentine to blend the colors on the painting. I think you will be amazed at how well the oil pastels blend, and how beautiful it turns out.


Something my art teacher taught me about pastels was and I quote “small circles, we do not want any visible lines unless you put them there” and “I don’t want to see any finger smudging because it doesn’t work and you can see the original line” I hope this helps!


I’m happy Black Bean got some recognition! One of my favorite art channels


Laughs in French vs Screams in black and white


one, i love that blackbean is getting the recognition he deserves. and two, it makes me feel so like... validated seeing other artists fail. i do graphic design and typography and i'm learning illustration and i SUCK right now and its so lovely to see other artists also failing at new styles/new materials. makes me feel less alone, less like a failure. so thank you for sharing! it means a lot!


i like how hes so honest even in a sponsorship; he doesnt make a beautiful masterpiece to show how good the pastels are, but he still manages to highlight their good qualities (price, range, etc)


BlackBean is also the reason I was excited to get gifted some oil pastels to play with! I’m jealous you did this brief collab with him. He’s my absolute favorite on this platform ❤️


Oh my god, in my 6th grade art class we had an assignment with the prompt being around mental health. I chose to focus on Alzheimer’s since it’s similar, and ended up creating some abstract maze piece. Right before we wrote our artist statements for it, I accidentally brushed my hand over it and the whole maze smudged. I then made something up on the spot and said something along the lines of “The blurry lines in the maze represent the fogginess in the memory and” blah blah blah. My teacher loved the symbolism so much, she saved the artwork to show to her future classes. I saw her in the store recently and asked about it and she still shows that to her students as an example piece.


You casually promoting other artists always gets my tear ducts working and I don't need to be crying rn but also I can't not cry.


If you want some advice, don’t smudge with your finger. Use them in tight circular motions for blending together smaller areas and larger circles for larger areas. Just layering the colours on in thick layers should also blend them, although I’m not sure with this brand. One final tip is that yellow hates blending, as it has more wax in it than the other colours. If you do have to use something to blend, take a piece of normal paper and scrunch it up, and use it the way you’d smudge with a finger. Hope this helps!


I love blackbeans' art and content and I'm so happy you gave him more recognition


Black Bean is such a talented artist. Glad you also enjoy his art! It truly is unique and powerful.


i’ve recently been obsessed with using oil pastels and i’ve found that when it comes to blending, it’s best to just keep building up the color and pressing the colors into each other, you don’t really need a separate tool for blending. plus, you can always gently scratch it off and start over.

Black bean and Scott are like my to favorite artists in this platform! Really kool to see Scott reference him!


Fun tips: those little balls of colour you get are GOLD! Use those and smush them back in into the paper. The more you do that the more vibrancy you’ll build. If you try that and your pastel crumbles when you try to use that technique, the pastel is too old. That’s how you can make those fun negative lines in the drawing.

Also, try using linseed oil with the qtip. Like oil paintings, oils dissolve oils.

Hope that helps and you’ll give it another shot!


I'm an oil pastel enthusiast artist and I've tried this Arrtx set. I literally returned it for a big Mungyo set which i LOVE. But then I paused and gave it another try and entered another understandingof the medium. This set has specific uses to REALLY enjoy them. They aren't good for smooth blending, they aren't good for multi layering. What they ARE great at is creating the feeling of play with your art, which is super important rather than sticking to "pretty" pieces. They will be great for impasto and sgraffito techniques with lesser layers. Pieces where you're trying to make 'strokeful' or impressionistic art with minimal blending, abstract and painterly, untight and loose. The colors in this set are SO balanced between lights, pastels and the darks. For the price its really good. And also good for gifting to beginners or kids. People who like "perfect" pieces won't enjoy this at all. Oil pastels are tricky as every set is formulated differently with each being great at some things and really bad for others. But once you've found your technique and you're not afraid of making mistakes, they're such a joy and sensory pleasure!! 🥰😍
