Top 10 HP Characters Who Could Have Been Sorted into a Different Hogwarts House

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Part of me would love to have seen Neville in Gryffindor, Harry in Slytherin, Ron in Hufflepuff and Hermione in Ravenclaw, the four houses standing up to Voldemort.


"He was as brave as a gryffindor"
"He was as loyal as a hufflepuff"
"He was as wise as a ravenclaw"
"He was as cunning as a slytherin"

R.I.P Severus snape
R.I.P Alan Rickman
Both were legends that will never be forgotten...


Snape could have fit in any of the 4 houses. He is smart, inventing numerous spells. He was also a hard worker, learning everything he could during his education, and he was loyal to Lily. Of course, he was brave, being a double agent. And he was sorted into Slytherin, so he fits them all.


Harry first line about Snape: Who’s that?

Harry’s last line about Snape: The bravest man I’ve ever met.


I have a few theories on why Hermione wasn't sorted into Ravenclaw.
1) it's not always about the traits you have, but the traits you value when being sorted.
2) She doesn't seem to think she's as smart as everyone thinks she is. She is always freaking out about failing.
3) She has just as many if not more Griffindor traits.
4) Despite having a good mind, she doesn't really have the spirit of a Ravenclaw. Like Luna's father said in Deathly Hallows. (Hermione is) "Not unintelligent, but painfully limited, narrow, closed-minded." For her if it's written in a book it's written in stone, otherwise it's not true. Personally, I think the reason she was so bitter of the Half-blood princes book was because she was jealous. This was someone who could not only learn from the books, but build on it. Someone who would experiment, innovate, try something new and original: something we've never seen her even attempt.


If Cedric didn’t die it would be great to see his bravery in the grand battle


I think the main reason why so many people seem to be put in the wrong house is because people are put into the house that has the traits that they _value, _ not necessarily the ones that they possess. The moment Hermione says that she is nothing but books and cleverness and that there are more important things, you know that she is not a Ravenclaw. Of the ones listed, I honestly think that Percy is the one who was most definitely sorted into the wrong house. If he wasn't a Weasley, he would have been a Slytherin.


Dumbledore is a Slytherin. He is full of control, sly and cunning.
Harry and Ron I still find they fit Gryffindor as they sometimes do things with lots braveness less brain🤣


I've always had the head cannon that the Weasley family are the heirs of Godric Gryffindor and that's why the family has always sorted in that house


Cedric is very brave, but I think his Hufflepuff traits such as his fair play are also key parts of his character. I've read that the sorting doesn't just base your house placement on your own qualities, but also the ones you value. Ultimately, I think that's why Cedric was put in Hufflepuff. We see in both book three and four that he values fair play, a major Hufflepuff trait.


Something I've noticed in my most recent reading of Harry Potter is how the houses, more than line with personality, lines with personal growth. Ron was afraid of many things, but as a Gryffindor, he found strength to fight no matter his fears and became truly great, finding his purpose and bravery.
Hermione is truly smart and loves to learn, yet she is headstrong and close-minded, borderline rude and she was able to develop her emotional, social and mental skills, becoming her best self, ignoring the most wise decisions and becoming a fighter to her core. Not sure Ravenclaw would help her blossom as well as she did in Gryffindor...
I love this discussions, it just shows how deep Harry Potter is!!!! I love this series 😍 And your videos are awesome 👌🏻 💙


I think Harry belongs to all the houses because he has all the qualities of each house: Brave, Leadership, Curiosity, Loyalty.


Sirius could also fit in Hufflepuff, mainly for his loyalty to his friends, especially to James.

Someone theorized that the animal you turn into when becoming an animagus is not really a choice, but a reflection of what you are, and Sirius being a dog animagus indeed reflects his loyalty.


*A realization moment*

The Brave people are the likes of Ron and Neville, the one who is able to get over thier fears
and I didn't get the impression that Harry was like them, he's definitely bold and fearless but his behavior and his way of taking risks and not caring make me think that the source of his audacity is that He doesn't care whether he lives or dies
He lived for 10 years hearing that he is worthless, so no wonder his character is indifferent to the amount of terror and danger in front of him

*this is really sad because this a trait he has in common with Sirius*


i think fred and george could also be sorted into a different house.probably slytherin or ravenclaw, or maybe one of them in ravenclaw and one of them in slytherin, it'd be really chaotic and cool.they're actually intelligent and hard-working for coming up with all those products and really ambitious for not giving up on their dream even when molly threw all of their stuff into rubbish, they never gave up on the idea of the joke shop and they actually succeeded.


One of the few things I dislike about Harry Potter is how the members of Slytherin House are represented and
depicted in such a negative light. From Hagrid's statement in the first book to some of this video's speculations (i.e. Lockhart and Pettigrew, two of the few non-Slytherin antagonists, possessing many Slytherin traits), I think the books should've had more Slytherins who were outright good (maybe a Slytherin counterpart to Hermione who enjoys helping other students with their homework) or gave Slytherin House more positive traits instead of more morally neutral ones.


What I’m wondering is why they don’t offer students the chance to re-sort. Third year of Hogwarts they get to start taking elective classes and go to hogsmade on the weekends. What if during the third year, they could choose to re-sort and the sorting hat can decide if they’re “grown out” their house in a way?
Even Dumbledore has said,
“You know sometimes I think we sort too soon.”


There is this great theory that the Sorting Hat doesn't put you in the house that fits your existing traits most, but in the house that you need the most for your development.


Tbh Hermione should’ve been in all of the houses, she was brave and daring, cunning and ambitious, loyal and kind and very very smart


I reckon Ron probably asked to be in Gryffindor, since his whole family went in Gryffindor and it is considered (rather falsely) to be the best house
