Who are Oko's Outlaws?

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Ashiok (ok really Jace) hired the fae trickster Oko to break into a mysterious vault on Thunder Junction, but the cunning planeswalker couldn't do it alone; he had to assemble his own Rakish Crew to pull off the biggest heist the multiverse has ever seen!

So, who did he turn to for help? It's a real rogue's gallery: Vraska, Malcolm, Breeches, Eriette, Annie Flash, Satoru Umezawa, Kaervek, Tinybones, Rakdos, Gisa, Geralf, and even his own son, Kellan!

Where did all these people come from, and how did Oko convince them to join his gang? That's...THE QUESTION!
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Something fun I noticed looking at the cards again now, this version of Kellen doesnt have an Adventure like all the previous versions of him had. Cuz., you know, he found his dad. The adventure is over. Obviously, he still has new things to see and do, but I thought that was a fun little detail.


I think that Annie’s reanimation ability reflects the part in the story where she dug up her rifle for one last job and you could say that the exiling part is here looking through the deck for more cards


As someone pointed out, Annie Flash's weird ETB might be a reference to how she simply digs up her rifle for "One Last Job" (that is conveniently another card in the set).
I think her ability to impulse draw after tapping (not just attacking) is much more flavorful as she is a skillful rancher, having a particularly close bond with a certain mount named Fortune (who also has a card in the set with some synergy with her card, which I find really neat).


I LOVE this breakdown! Mechanics, lore, backstory... I feel WAY BETTER about how they all fit in (even if it's tangentially). One thousand bonus points for "skeleton key". More Tinybones, plz!


Its wild that Malcolm has been running around as a fungus infected sleeper all this time


My take on Eriette.

She is using some type of witch magic to make herself young. Based on the Wilds of Eldraine story, I'm guessing she feeds on the dreams of others. Her sister with the cauldron likely used a similar magic to feed off of the youth of those she ate.

Much like Liliana, despite being very old, she has the body of a young woman. It's not an illusion.


Just for the hell of it, I started building a deck with all of them and their 5 "joins up" cards, just to see if they would synergize well among themselves. Not only did the deck quickly become WUBRG with Annie (RGW) and Satoru (BU), but just the crew and their legendary enchantments alone were 17 out of my 60 cards. With 24 lands, that leaves me 19 cards to try and match all of their synergies. To do this, I just have to find the 19 best cards that involve plots, comitting crimes and ramping mana to cast 2 spells on the same turn. Lastly, the mana curve on those 17 cards is actually good, with an average 3.3 cost. So you don't need to go full commander for this strategy.


I'll be putting Vraska in my Shelob deck to gain food and treasures with creature effects 💜


Thanks for addressing Rakdos' size, it really confused me.
I also love the idea of this gang of outlaws scheming in the darkness of this saloon while this demon kaiju is just peeking throught the door like "Hullo! I'm here too!"


People keep on saying that Annie could see through Oko's illusion but not Jace's
My take, Oko uses glimmer-like illusions, just projections, while Jace is casting the illusion into your mind. Annie can't see through Jace because her mind is superceding her magical eye


Satoru being a ninja rogue feels kinda clunky.

In NEO, they fixed the plane-specific nature of ninjas by making cards that affect ninjas also affect rogues, so that there's backwards compatibility and future proofing if you want to mix and match cards from different planes for creature type synergies. (The same happened to samurai and warriors.)

In OTJ, outlaws include several creature types, including rogues. But ninjas aren't outlaws.

Satoru has to be a ninja, because it wouldn't make sense if he isn't. But he also has to be a rogue to be considered an outlaw. So now he's a ninja rogue even though those two creaure types are almost treated as the same thing in Kamigawa.


Wasn't Rakdos asleep during the events of MKM because Judith wanted control of the Rakdos guild? How is it he is awake and able to go to Thunder Junction?


I thought it was weird how much Rakdos shrank in size. If I remember correctly in the war of the spark book he was described as being huge but in Thunder Junction he’s maybe 3-4 feet taller than the tallest person in there party where did the extra feet go or can he mass shift and no one has mentioned it.


Kinda wish Kellen was a 4 color legend so that you could play him with all of the relevant adventure creatures in ruwg


Wait, isnt there supposed to be 1 planeswalker per set?
Was one of these dudes on the bonus sheet?


I've got a Vraska themed deck that's been running Sisters of Stone Death for a thematic commander, but they will most definitely be getting swapped out for actual commander Vraska


Correct me if I'm wrong. Didn't Ravnica's story mention Rakdos was asleep and would remain so for "years" clearing him of the murders?


What bothers me is that not a single cultist of Rakdos seems to have followed their demon lord through the omenpaths. It feels like WotC didn’t really consider what the theological implications of the godhead of a 10, 000 year old cult just up and leaving would be for its adherants.


I THIS VIDEO so much i didnt know i wanted it but boy howdy did i want it. I know march of the machine is so old now but I WOULD OF LOVED to have known which planeswalker was on the strike team, a brief backstroy, does their card make sense, and if they kept a spark. This video idea is amazing!! cant wait for me if ever


Probably not a super relevant idea, but a Golgari artifacts matter/removal pile deck with Vraska at the helm could be interesting. Thinking things like Teething Wurmlet, Elvish Archivist and other recent green artifacts matter cards, but also maybe Cranial Plating, Reprocess and Monumental Corruption (maybe also new Braids since it'd be easily repeatable?)

Just spit-balling, but I think it could be a neat take
