PWR Feedback Friday | February 3, 2017

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The Latest news from WWE, TNA and ROH from the only Pro Wrestling Talk Show on Broadcast TV!
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greatest show in the world pro wrestling report


I'd personally rather see Sting come back for one last match vs. Undertaker w/Undertaker forced to retire if he loses. Sting get's his Wrestle Mania 33 moment retiring the Undertaker, after numerous Stinger Splashes, Scrpion Deathlock's and Scorpion Deathdrop's. Not Ceba or Angle vs. Taker.


The show is written by a room full of television writers who never watched wrestling, and Vince just changes what he doesn't like.


Telling someone "you write it if you think it's so bad." isn't a good excuse. We aren't professional writers, they are. Just because someone can't create something better doesn't mean they don't know what's bad. I can't cook a good steak but I know what a bad one tastes like. And if the amount of content they're producing prevents them from having compelling TV then cut the amount of content down.

And what is Nelson talking about? If a good tv show has a bad episode or starts to suck of course you blame the writers. Who else would you blame? The last two seasons of X-Files were awful because of the writers. Why are you against criticism? If you just sit and passively accept everything, nothing ever improves.


The "whole" interviewer staring off as their subject just walks away is stupid. Why don't they ever say "Ok guys, back to you"


Do you guys never feel certain segments get played out for example, stair downs and special guest commentator run-ins ect? I think with all the fresh talent, there should be new concepts and fresh angles instead of the same type segments being done over and over again. Even with different talent a lot of segments seem respective and predicable, what's your thoughts?


i think that's stupid to only give the belt to Cena for only 2 weeks on his 16th run then he needs to win it one more time to beat it and then hold on to it for a while.


The whole "you should do it or else you don't know anything, " I've already commented on another video why that is wrong headed for the most part, but funny thing about it... 18 hours of tv is about 1080 pages of writing for a show with lots of dialog.

If you want to count the repeated promos and repetitious announcing where the same bad jokes and same lines are repeated over and over again as well as something like an hour of content is replayed to make up for the lack of good writing for those 3 hours and the 40 mins of commercials as all part of that sum then by those same standards, that's not very hard to come up with. One 5 minute promo which is repeated every week = 30 mins. Multiply that by at least 4 and that's 20 pages for 1 week, multiply it by 6 for every week, that's 120 pages done.

The only reason people don't do it to shut people up when they say "then you try" is because it would be tedious, boring, and it would benefit no one, especially since it wouldn't shut people up, but funny thing, I know long it would take me to do that if I really wanted to because I do write and it would take me maybe a day per week of actual writing, less if It write with the same quality of WWE is expected to, and that's just me, not 10+ writers and, what? 60+ people contributing ideas.

That fact is, the writers are of poor quality, but that wouldn't be as much of an issue if the talent was up to par and management trusted them to do their job.

But the point was that the same repeated thing isn't interesting and Undertaker isn't an attraction as he is now. They don't do his entrances any more. His character is pretty much broken. He looks and moves as though he is very very old. There is no story. And the streak is gone. So no element of him is an "attraction". All respect given to the man, but he is an Old man that really can't keep up any more. People talk about Sting, Hogan, Flair, and ton of others that are in their 50s or older and how they should stop wrestling, but all of them are much better performers at this point than Undertaker and much more interesting in every way. I'm not saying he hasn't got a place, but it's not as Wrestlemania Attraction with nothing to him to "attract" people.


David for not showing love to those 80's


When a tv show goes bad you don't blame the writers??? On what planet?


Repeating the past hasent worked great for 10 to 15 years. revenue an audiences keep getting smaller. evolve, unlearn, revive.Evolve or die.


when did wrestlers started becoming like regular guys wwe have lost their casual audience and they are trying to get it back with guys that look like my next door neighbour and yes james Ellsworth in the mind of a casual fan should not even be in the independents forget PRIMETIME TELEVISION plus writers are marks for the wrestling business they read the internet amd they write the show for the indy marks and this is awesome people ufc have taken the audience wwe once had and that is becuase of the GREAT FILTER HIMSELF Vince mcmahon. until theres competition in the wrestling business again we will never see a boom period ever again
