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Question Your Priest?

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May God bless all good holy priests and change the confused ones hearts and minds or remove them in Christ Jesus!


Whatever Church (Templo) I go I always receive the Holy Communion in my mouth, never on my hands.


I love that you are straight up honest and real. I am too. Most people can't handle that.


I am so fortunate to have a parish priest who is approachable. With all the hooplah about the traditional mass, he took several Sundays to outline the parts of the Mass and compare with traditional practices and why they were done. He made no judgement, but just outlined why some prefer it this way and others prefer it that way. He never refuses communion to those who kneel. He maintains the holiness of the Sanctuary. Mass is always reverential without "entertainment." So blessed.


Being in a small town and being disabled makes it tough to just go somewhere else. I'll keep praying!


I asked my priest to restore the kneelers his predecessor had set up for those wishing to receive kneeling and he refused in the name of uniformity. I pointed out that receiving in the hand was an exception and receiving on the tongue is the rule, but he doesn't care. I still kneel, and so do a couple others. At least he doesn't refuse us.


Am so so thankful for the priests I had during covid, even during covid when the Bishop said hand only, my Priest was willing to still give me on the tongue. He died of covid and the Priest we have now is very reverent, most in our church gets on the tongue.


Amen 100%!
St. Paul's in Winnemucca NV had a bad priest, and thankfully so many people questioned him (mostly about homosexuality) and every time he backed away or got angry and yelled at them.


Yes. I knelt down to receive communion on the tongue then two dozen others saw it and knelt behind me. The commentator reprimanded us then the church was padlocked for months. I make it a point to receive communion last in line because others are afraid of contamination by receiving on the tongue. But Christine Niles reported that there is no evidence to support that communion on the tongue increased infection rates versus communion on the hand. Back in 2012, I was miraculously healed of the most severe dysphagia and stomach paralysis while receiving Holy Communion after General Confession, Rosary and Adoration at the Eucharistic chapel. Throughout the pandemic, I never tested positive for cow-vid even if my family members got it more than 4 times for each variant.


I still bow and recieve on the tongue and We have to be vigilant & wide awake, cause the serpent of old, is very subtle and sly in his deception, no more communion in the hand and Eucaristic Ministers, unless it's absolutly necessary! Let's get back to tradition and stop being so accepting of these changes


Standing or kneeling during communion are ceremonial practices that can change as the church sees fit.


Today is Friday, September 1, 2023 St Giles was an abbot and a Hermit in Southern France. He was born born in mid 7th century AD probably in Athens, Greece.
He died in the early 8th century in Southern France. We celebrate his feast day on September 1 every year in the Catholic Church.


As someone who isn't in the faith anymore and seem to clash with every Christian I meet I enjoyed this. Makes me feel like my war is really with the church. Not with the faith itself.


Remember though blessed are the meek and I learned from Jordan Peterson that the translation of the word meek is not sheepish or timid. “It means something like have your sword, but keep it sheathed” a much wiser guide I think.


I once addressed my pastor as Good Father in an email. The next time I saw him he reprimanded me and told me not to do that.


During covid my beloved Catholic Church removed all the missals from the pews, to this day they are missing. If you want to follow you have to use your phone and download bar code provided up on the big screen. I respectfully told my pastor that I was sad to see we / them are serving fear rather than faith. He became so upset with me, his glassses were steaming up most likely to the fact he was wearing 2 masks and I was not masked. I would love to hear what others think about this. 🙏


As far as I can tell is no where to go here in Australia. None the less I did get the hell out and I remain in love with our Lord Jesus Christ but


You don't need a priest to attain holiness you need JESUS.


When did the indult expire? Ive read Memoriale Domine 1969 and Immensae Caritatis 1973. I dont remember an expiration date.


I only asked questions when the priest was ambiguous. Fr. Bob told me, in the parking lot, that transgenders can get surgery. He is a high school chaplain. Anyone else know what’s going on? How about the selling of sex steroids to teens? There’s stuff going on people! I knew this 10 years ago and it fell to deaf ears. Now everyone is wondering where’d it come from? Luke warm laity has some explaining to do.
