it's 4am but you can't sleep

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thoughts that don't let us sleep
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4am is fr my favourite time. Not so early that you still feel lethargic, not so late that you feel like you've wasted a night, but right in between the turning of what days feel like. I always get a little burst of energy for the hour. The haze outside my window as neither the sun or moon move, yet I can feel it getting brighter. But the blueness and the stillness turning to movement as the birds wake up is just beautiful. I've found that 4am seems to be the only stagnant time.


i learned not to fight insomnia... just go with it... it will let go... eventually... nothing stays...


I'm in my 20's and moved alone a few months ago, being alone in a big city at night really brings all the memories and tears...


Its so cute to see how many people finds comfort in the night time. Which was normally considered dangerous from our nature, which is also why we sleep through untill light comes to this day. I can just sit here and look through the comments knowing there are also somebody else probably hiding in the darkness from the worry and responsibilities daylight brings, so i will feel not alone at a hour i am supposed to feel lonely and melancholic normally. It makes me feel some kind of warmth to think that there is some kind person at the other side of the earth awake at 4 am worrying over something, minding their business or just dont want to sleep. I hope no one feels lonely too. We are being awake together.


I have a loving family, but sometimes it doesn’t seem like they hear me when I need to be heard. Im struggling with paranoia, I’m unable to sleep now, and all they can do is give me pills, pills, pills, but pills don’t work. I’m alone in this world…we’re alone in this world. If there’s one thing my family and I have in common is that fact we are all alone. We only have each other to take care of. Two daughters and one dad. Alone in the world besides each other. I get lonely, and paranoid… and suicidal… so I only have them to turn too. I’ve tried taking myself out of their world 4 times, and only now as I was planning my 5th, I realized how lonely they would be, just the two of them. So I’ll stay, I don’t want them to be even more lonely after all.

I know this isn’t saying much, but thank you for making the playlist, it helped me clear my mind on this long night. I will be forever grateful.


I think the most beautiful thing about this is that this is a playlist meant for you and you only, by yourself, reflecting on what you've done, the world is quiet and nobody is there to judge. It's just you, your thoughts and this playlist. Absolute serenity.
I feel like I'm in a weird space of melancholy and nostalgia, thinking about all the long nights I had and about those I never will, about past times with friends, past times alone. But viewing all of them in complete peace.


Worrying doesn't take away tomorrows trouble, it takes away today's peace.


Those summer nights… at a park with your friends until 10pm with the warm breeze brushing through your hair and the twilight sky illuminating the horizon. Walks with your mum, dad and little brother at the downs with the grass glowing wonderful shades of gold in the sunlight. Lying in bed with the window open listening to your curtains move with the night breeze. I think that’s my version of heaven right there.. couldn’t ask for anything more


Born 1993, when I was around 5/6 me and my family had to move to Germany, Osnabruck because my Dad was stationed there for being in the British Army. We stayed there until 2001. I can honestly say from what memories are still there in my head, are the best years of my life. If I could just relive those days, just for a few hours, I would be so happy.

I spend hours crying happy/sad tears on Google Earth Pro with the time machine of the maps. Seeing my old Primary School before it was demolished. Seeing the Army barracks my dad was at before that too was sadly demolished. Seeing my old childhood home which I haven't seen since we left 22 years ago.

It's even more saddening with how Germanys privacy laws are. Google Street view is practically none existent. So the buildings and the streets I fondly remember are mainly just these pixelated resemblances of buildings that I still vividly remember from my childhood but i can't see how are now or was a few years ago. I only have what I remember, and the odd remnants of videos here on YouTube which is extremely lacking and rare to find.

The walks we went on, the Warner Brothers Movie Theme Park down south near Dorsten. Pony rides in the woods and picking the oldest one there who was called Boris. I picked him all the time because he liked to eat the grass a lot which made the ride last longer so I could spend more time with him. The little & big lake walk just behind the Nettebad. The traditional Christmas Markets in the town centre. Playing video games when my Dad finally came home on my Playstation 1, we would try and beat the games in one day but never could because I didn't have a memory card. Getting excited whenever Pokemon was on the TV. Friends round mine to share the big swimming pool I had.

Watching Halloween Town before going out trick or treating. Finding our first ever pet, a kitten abandoned behind a grit bin while we were on a bike ride and taking her home, we named her Millie. So many memories. All lost to time. With only old VHS tapes & photographs to try and relive those memories at least just a tiny bit.

Oh what Id do just to go back to those days. Nostalgia is such a beautiful but cruel mistress. I hate to love it and love to hate it. I Miss you Osnabruck. I miss you childhood.

But. I have a baby daughter now. And I honestly can not wait to be the best father I can possibly be. And to make everlasting memories with her that she can look back on and smile just as much as I do looking back at the ones I made with my Mum & Dad.

Oh Germany. Oh Osnabruck. Oh childhood. You were the best of days. I'll revisit you one day. With the whole family hopefully.


I’m just outside, sitting on my porch at night watching a thunderstorm in the distance while it drizzles, and I’ve never been more at peace in this past year. For any of you that have had a bad year so far, just sit outside and enjoy life by yourself and just relax.

You should be the only person who should deem what is best for your health and sometimes we all just need a break, so go take one and enjoy your life.


"It one of those days Another day pass by"

"Have you truly done anything"


I don't have anxiety or anything but i just can't sleep. My mind just races with thoughts which aren't even negative but just normal things like what i did that day, things that happened 4 years ago, songs, creating fake scenarios. Its like even though i feel sleepy and tired my mind can't just stop functioning.


Tbh I like to listen to this and just cry, let all the emotion out at 4am, 4am feels calm and steady and perfect for the right Moment to release any feelings that you just Held in for so long. For me it’s the best feeling after having a hard day holding tears and flashbacks of trauma or any negativity. It’s like the perfect moment.


Thank you all the people reading your comments gives me hope
And I believe in every one of you
Keep moving forward and don't forget to look up to the sky.


Sitting on my balcony, listening to this, smoking some cigs, not thinking about anything just chilling. A rare times when I'm alone and don't feel lonely


I usually get out of work at midnight and find myself struggling to calm my mind as it rushes with thoughts when trying to sleep. I sometimes go a full night without rest end end up falling asleep at 8-9am in the moring and waste my day away. This playlist has really really helped me to calm down and get some sleep after a days work, thank you for making this friend ❤❤❤


Its 4am rn. Time stands still.Just me and my thoughts, my visions, my experiences....staring at the cieling. Just at when insomnia and anxiety get cancelled out by shower thoughts and those what ifs and how you envision your life possibilities...its just something else i tell you


I have horrible anxiety. This playlist just made me let it all out, and understand why i was hurting so much. I've let myself get close to others again, and im so afraid ill lose them. Like this sharp pain in my chest, and this playlist just helped. It didnt necessarily calm me, but it got me to the point where i could just cry. :)


These songs have the same effect on me as some of the more moody Minecraft songs. Sort of a melancholy yet calming effect. It makes you feel like you're drifting through the middle of space and in every direction you can see the stars but can also see that they are winking back at you.


I like the nights. I like them alot, not having to worry because all of your worries only happen at day time. Reflecting on your day, your week, the past 3 months, the past year, your whole life without anyone telling you what is right or wrong. Its almost like that voice isnt there anymore, the voice only comes at daytime. 1 - 4 am is like an intermission, just to think with a clear head for future plans and such. Staying awake at night isnt healthy, but it almost does feel healthy in someway. Its like the night is where my head is the clearest it has been, I stay hydrated and I eat food and I reflect on my mental health, and how I can make myself stable. The silence is the most relaxing of all, no one screaming at eachother, no conflicts, no arguements you have to hear or cry about. My memory is the clearest too, I sometimes see the good memories in 4k Ultra HD. its so clear I cry about most of the time. I feel more grateful then ever I can just look around and think, knowing how grateful I am for everything.
