Κορωνοϊός | Αυξημένη κίνηση στους δρόμους παρά την καραντίνα για τον κορωνοϊό - (27.4.2020)

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Αυξημένη η κίνηση των αυτοκινήτων στους δρόμους παρά την ισχύουσα καραντίνα για τον κορωνοϊό. Ελλάδα, Αθήνα, 27 Απριλίου 2020.
Increased car traffic on the roads despite the current coronavirus quarantine. Greece, Athens, April 27, 2020. (COVID-19)
#Athens #Quarantine #COVID19
Type: News & Politics/RAW
Video/Audio by: LeLo CaNa
Program used: Hitfilm Express
Camera: NIKON S 5100
LeLo CaNa Productions Facebook
Notes - Terms of Use:
It is allowed to integrate videos into blogs and web pages with reference to the source.
It is forbidden to download and use extracts or entire videos for any reason without written permission.
We allow free publishing of any comment that is relevant to the topic that it refers to the specific video. Everyone has the right to express his opinion freely. However, this does not mean that we adopt these opinions and we reserve the right not to publish slanderous or abusive comments when we find them. In any case, everyone has the responsibility of what he writes and LeLo CaNa Productions has no legal or other responsibility.
© 2020 LeLo CaNa Productions
Increased car traffic on the roads despite the current coronavirus quarantine. Greece, Athens, April 27, 2020. (COVID-19)
#Athens #Quarantine #COVID19
Type: News & Politics/RAW
Video/Audio by: LeLo CaNa
Program used: Hitfilm Express
Camera: NIKON S 5100
LeLo CaNa Productions Facebook
Notes - Terms of Use:
It is allowed to integrate videos into blogs and web pages with reference to the source.
It is forbidden to download and use extracts or entire videos for any reason without written permission.
We allow free publishing of any comment that is relevant to the topic that it refers to the specific video. Everyone has the right to express his opinion freely. However, this does not mean that we adopt these opinions and we reserve the right not to publish slanderous or abusive comments when we find them. In any case, everyone has the responsibility of what he writes and LeLo CaNa Productions has no legal or other responsibility.
© 2020 LeLo CaNa Productions
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