Using Quotas with SurveyMonkey

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A quota limits the number of targeted respondents who can take your survey. It helps you get a balanced respondent sample and the exact amount of data you need.

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Please tell me how to create this least fill quota
Assuming you were in the market for an electric vehicle charging station provider and the charging station you just read about was available to you, which of the following best describes how likely you would be to search for more information?
(Select one response)

Definitely would not search for more information 1
Probably would not search for more information 2
Might or might not search for more information 3
Probably would search for more information 4
Definitely would search for more information 5

[PN: Repeat below section for each concept. Show 1 concepts chosen from 4. Randomize order of concepts.]

[PN: Show one concept]


Terribly not user friendly when it comes to free. Good luck trying to figure out how to remove paid features so you can use things. So frustrating
