Moodle Tutorial: Using Book Module pages instead of Topic/Week blocks

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With Moodle, an option you might like to consider is avoiding the topic/week blocks altogether and using pages in the Book Module application instead. This allows you to present content and learning activities more creatively and with more contextualisation - not as a simple list of downloads.
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Hey @Jason- how did you get the book module to hide the title of the book and only just display the section header per page? I am just trying to save on vertical space and I don't know how to remove the book title from being the big h2 header.


Figured out a similar workaround - put the resources/activities into a topic then orphan it (delete the topic block).  Moodle maintains the links to the assignments, but the students cannot see the sections.


I like the way you've made this table with links! It's really great!
I've tried to make a similar page, but unfortunaly I didn't succees. I've hidden the topic blocks, but after that I can't open the eye of the items in the topic blocks. When I click on the closed eye of a resource to turn the eye back on nothing happens. The eye remains closed. Did you have to change some settings in Moodle to be able to open the eye of a content item when its block is hidden? I'm working with Moodle 2.3.3.


Which theme is used here? Looks customized but is it based on one of Moodle Themes.


Did anyone figure out Leony's problem?  I'm having the same issue with a test run of Moodle 2.5.  As soon as you close the topic eye, you lose the option to modify the eyes for any of the resources/activities.  So far, I've not had luck digging through the admin and course settings.  Any suggestions?
