Feng Shui Is NOT Magic.

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Feng Shui is not magic; it is an Environmental Study. Just because you got your Feng Shui consulted doesn’t mean you Don’t Have to Watch Out for Cars When You Cross the Road. This message was brought to you courtesy of CIRCLE 96 LLP, 8000 Years of Feng Shui Wisdom For Modern Living.

Spend your best dollar on the property but don't know the character of it, don't know the surrounding environment well and don't know what implication the surrounding buildings have on your property.
It doesn't seem very wise.
Come for a 1-on-1, 45 minutes Feng Shui Floor Plan Analysis this weekend to find out more about the characteristic of your house without providing your BAZI.
Be surprised by what your floor plan can tell about your past, present, and future even if you have not moved in.

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