The 2020 Ampeg Range - Original Bass Tones with All-New Portable & Affordable Amplifiers!

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👆 The original bass amp brand is back & with a new range of affordable & portable amps for 2020!

↪️ Episode Guide ↩️
» 0:00 Let's Talk To Dino From Ampeg
» 3:01 What's New With Ampeg?
» 6:50 Ampeg Portaflex 20W Head
» 8:12 New Ampeg Portaflex Flip-top Cab
» 11:54 Ampeg BA-115 Bass Combo Amp
» 14:17 Ampeg Micro Stacks
» 18:22 New Pedals
» 27:28 Outro Jam on the New Ampeg Range

New for 2020, the Ampeg Portaflex offers the iconic bass tones we have come to love but now at an ultra-affordable price! Paired with Mini Stacks, a new range of Pedals & Flip-Top Bass Cabs, if true iconic bass tones are what you're after then the new Ampeg bass amplifier & pedal range is here for you!

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the micro stack is no joke. I have the svt classic 8x10 cab. I was in a music store one day and heard someone jamming on my cab. I couldn't see the fridge anywhere, but after following the sound this micro stack is what I saw. VERY impressive amp!!


Ampeg has a great history. Glad to see the brand re-energized.


I appreciate Dino's comments at 26 mins in. As a tone-loving bass player I struggle to find great bass tone in a modern context of modern music making (recording, live performance without a massive rig or volume). Hopefully, Ampeg will have some more products that will speak to this need.


All about the bass at Andertons has been one of the best sources for, well, all types of things. Really there's not enough room in the comments to go through it. Thank you guys.


Back in the 80s and 90s I used to run an SVT 300 into a 4x10 cab... it sounded great but was so massively heavy that eventually I had to sell it. After that I ran a GK800RB into a 2x10 Ampeg cab, but that 2x10 weighed almost 80lbs and was such a pain to carry around. When I turned 50 I just couldnt take it an more and I finally sold that about 4 years ago.
Now I'm playing an Aguilar Tonehammer 500 with a 1x12 cab that in TOTAL weighs around 30lbs and sounds so incredibly good. Wityh a second 1x12 cab this is a killer live rig with plenty of volume and the tone is awesome, especially considering its class D.
I am drooling over one of those vintage looking Portaflex tube amps for the studio though.


I always looked at Ampeg as the Marshall of the Bass amp world.


I worked for Ampeg (1967-1969) lots of stories.. thank you.


Dino is the face of Ampeg, one glimpse of Dino on the screen and you know the video is about Ampeg and that it will be a good video!


I have the Micro-CL and it’s loud. When he says it’s 100w, that’s not 100w peak... it’s 100w RMS. Big difference between the two. Definitely loud enough for a small gig and to get over a drummer. Just add a DI and you’re good to go. I play a Fender Jazz Active Deluxe through it and I can get everything from vintage to modern tones. Everything set flat and use the bass for my EQ. Best amp for the money and it’s got good weight too


That 210 with the 100w head sounded way better than I imagined it would. Not like a tin box.


Finally!! I've been waiting for this since Yamaha took over! Go Ampeg!


"can't bring an 8x10 to the local pub gig"..of course you can bring three of them instead 😂😂


I enjoyed this video. I have and have had several Ampeg products over the years. and have been watching Dino for years! Looking forward to seeing the new stuff! Lots of exclamation points!!!


Dino! So glad yamaha kept you around. I will never sell my Heritage 810e. If I can find a heritage b-15 or a real b15 I would be in bass heaven.


SVT 300 watts "all valve" was a pretty big deal back in '69. Wide-open, at that level, it 's a real "paint peeler". I trust reliability might be even better now.


My FAVOURITE brand for bass products!!! 👍


I used a couple different Peavey amps (on a cab stack of a 1x15", 2x8", cabinet on top of a 1x18", 2x10", cabinet that scared some people). I used a nice GK. An Ampeg SVT III that I still have.

But my SVT 4 Pro, running into a Sonic cab with 1x18" EV, and a Sonic cab with 4x10" celestions with a horn. When playing my 1983 Fender American Pro P-Bass, all original, through that rig, compression never above 30% (I was taught compression is in your hands and you ears, I agree, if you can pull it off), I've had musicians playing modern metal, classic metal, rock, jazz, blues, r&b, country, all tell me it was the best bass tone they'd ever heard live (wasn't just one tone for all genres, and occasionally I'd use a bass I built with EMG PJ-X pups and an EMG BQC system set). I don't know if it was just bullshitting me, but I heard that all the time, I'd never heard it said to other bass players, and it really did/does sound so good. I love my SVT 4 Pro.


A friend of mine still has his 1966 Portaflex he bought when he was 16


Ampeg has the right mid scoop curve to fit any modern mix without disappearing. Love it. Their best product is the SVT7 PRO rack unit. Studio grade EQ with musical compression.


Just purchased a BA115 V2 today... can't wait to get the new tones
