FINAL Book Haul Before a Book Buying Ban!!!

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In this video, I'm telling you about some recent books I got! After this, I intend to go on a book buying ban for a few months. Wish me luck!

Find me anywhere @mushaobooks
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Good luck! Every time I ban myself from buying books I end up binge buying. 😂


The Ministry of Utmost Happiness is really fascinating. I usually don't watch many hauls, but I enjoy you talking about these books. Good luck on the book buying ban ❤


Very fun book haul.
The last book I read: Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman and Yaopy Hour by Diana Orgain. ❤❤❤❤


i am also not buying books until the end of the year 🙂 we got this 💪🏼


Book Buying Ban, wow. Good luck!! I thought New Daughers of Africa was amazing.


Good luck with your book buying ban and I'm looking forward to your thoughts on overconsumption


I really enjoyed My Friends - the audio read by the author was great. I'm very much looking forward to Lost Love Songs of Boysie Singh - I loved her previous book, Love After Love.

I'll be interested to hear what you think about the Arundhati Roy book - I've been meaning to read a book by her for ages! I keep being distracted by new and shiny things...


A book recommendation:
Naturally Tan by Tan France 🔥❤


Sketchers & New Daughters of Africa sounds really interesting. You got some good ones.


I picked up The Ministry of Utmost Happiness and couldn't put it down. Now I have high hopes for Roy's The God of Small Things which I bought recently. Good luck with your buying ban....


I know you're not looking for more book recommendations, but I wanted to share my thoughts on The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty which I finished last night. I enjoyed reading the perspective of a 40-something year old woman who's opinionated and clever and sees the world through a refreshing lens and isn't afraid to call out hypocrisy, even her own. She's honest when she isn't ready to question her own motivations and when she'd rather believe a comfortable tale. What really drew me to her is how she grappled with her Islamic faith, her past actions, and her internal desires that may conflict with her faith. It showed me there is always space for mercy and redemption in faith, but that faith comes in all manners even when going against the societal norm and can be individualistic, and that was a reassurance I didn't realise I needed and didn't expect to find in a book about a medieval aged pirate. I also enjoyed meeting characters from an Eastern / Middle-Eastern background in a time I never really think or read about. I don't think Amina Al-Sirafi was Westernised for the reader, I think she was depicted well for the setting and time and job she was in. At times she did paint types of people as the same and other times Amina was able to give nuanced views of communities not being represented by one bad person, and I loved her contradictions within herself as it felt human to be full of contradictions and accepting that as ok. I also liked how the magical elements werent shown as good or bad, but as difficult to understand from a human perspective as the magical beings had their own worlds we know nothing about. Full disclosure, I struggled until the plot got going as I found the world building initially to be over descriptive and Amina's thoughts repetitive, but once the plot came together and the adventure began, I enjoyed the story and the reflections I was having about my relation as a reader to the character of Amina Al-Sirafi. I think you'll enjoy the read if you ever choose to pick up a copy and I'd love to hear your opinions and what you take away from the story, even if it's wildly different to what I connected with.


Hope you are well thought i missed a video thx


Last haul… in October. Congratulations!!


New Daughters of Africa—🔥
My Friends made the shortlist jfyi
