Repository in Symfony 6 | What is a Repository? | Symfony 6 for Beginners | Learn Symfony 6

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This video will show you how you can use repositories in Symfony - Want to learn an incredible open-source PHP framework? Symfony is one of the most popular frameworks when you need to build high-performance & complex web applications.
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📋 Table of Content
00:00 - Introduction
01:39 - Method I: Adding your Repository
04:34 - Method II: EntityManagerInterface
06:12 - Creating a __construct()
09:18 - find()
10:21 - findBy()
12:28 - findOneBy()
14:36 - count()
15:56 - getClassName()
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📋 Table of Content
00:00 - Introduction
01:39 - Method I: Adding your Repository
04:34 - Method II: EntityManagerInterface
06:12 - Creating a __construct()
09:18 - find()
10:21 - findBy()
12:28 - findOneBy()
14:36 - count()
15:56 - getClassName()
#symfony #framework #symfony6 #php
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