Grey's Anatomy 6x11 'Blink' : Mark & Lexie Break Up [HD]

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Uploaded : 16/01/2010

Mark and Lexie discuss his decision about Sloan's move into their apartment. Lexie states that she's not ready to be a mother. Finally their discussion leads to the shocking conclusion in which Mark says thah he'll pick his daughter over her if he'd have to and Lexie states that their relationship is over and leaves him for good.

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The sad thing about this is I think neither of them is wrong. Mark had a responsibility to his daughter, but Lexie was way too young for all this. No one did anything wrong, and yet they couldn't work it out.. :(


Gotta say in this scene neither of them are wrong. Mark should choose his child over Lexie, and Lexie has a right not to want all this crap thrown on her plate at such a young age.


i understand mark, i mean this is his daughter and she's pregnant. i also understand lexie and she's not being selfish. she's right. everything's coming way too fast. she wasnt even ready to move in and now she's gonna be a stepgrandma? but i really hate it when they break up. they're so awesome together


Chyler is so beautiful i miss her as lexie


I think Mark looks older without a beard


Even if she broke up with him, it wasnt because she didnt love him. So I dont understand why Mark gets to be mad at her, for sleeping with karev They both did something wrong. But i love this scene !! Its so powerfull. I love when lexie saus "why. Because youll choose her"


I think Sloan was a useless plot device. She never appeared again after having herbaby, we never saw her and mark being A family afterwards, so what was the point?


This DAMN kitchen!!!
Both worst breaks up happened there:|


This is literally one of the most depressing scenes in greys


Duh - she kissed him after she broke up with him. That just shows just how much they're NOT over.


This episode ruined me. Mark and Lexie are the best part of this show. I miss them.


I feel like lexie was the one in the right because mark did not know Solan until she just showed up (when she was 18) and the only reason she did show up is because she just got kicked out of her house and needed a place to stay and you can tell Solan was only there for money and shelter, remember when lexie said she gave solan $50 and she just got a snow globe of Seattle for mark meaning she spent the rest of the money on something else also remember when she when to the hospital for an ultrasound and made mark give her $80 for food and hospital food does not cost 80 bucks also she said she was only going to stay at there house for "A little" but ended up staying until she had her baby. If solan really wanted to meet her dad she would have come when she was younger and she was 18 she ruined a perfectly good relationship for a baby that she didn't even keep, she was talking about how she would be a terrible mother without mark but ended up giving the baby up for adoption I feel like she was a waste of Gray's anatomy Time that just ruined a relationship that was meant to be end game


I hate sloan daughter, she broke one of the best relationships of grey's and she doesn't love her father she is only with Mark because her mom take her out. she broke a real love cause she is a whimsical


i hated the sloan storyline...she only came to ruin mark/lexie relationship!


Mark was such a great character. When Lexi and Mark died I lost the vibe of the show because they were my favorite underrated relationship. It was really sad that they were both killed off.


Who's here because of tiktok
2021 everyone!!


The worse part is when they realize they wanted to be together after all, she dies :( than he died over heartbreak and other issues :(


Then like 2 seasons later he has Sofia and we never hear about Sloan again😂


I think they both really could have worked this out.I totally understand Lexie's point of view that's why I feel so bad for her because it always feels like she comes second to everyone but at the same time I feel as though she could have at least given it a shot.If she thought she couldn't deal with it later, then she could have ended it. And Mark could've done better in this situation as well. It was unfair of him to just assume she would be ok with this placing this pressure on her so soon.


I wonder if Mark ever thought of Lexie feelings. Not saying anyone is wrong, but how the situation is handled is not the best way. If he did care for her feelings, he’d wait and ask Lexie about this first before deciding. And judging from how this conversation went, he did not seem to truly understand why she was upset, when she perfectly understood his position (just was not prepared to be dragged into this and be a grandma).
