Python Lesson: Using Pandas to upload Excel files to MySQL

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import pandas as pd
import os
path = 'D:\YourFolderPath'
host = " ",
user = " ",
passwd = " ",
database = " "
sql = "insert into batcherrorlogs (`FullID`, `Error Message`, `Filename`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"
sql2 = "update batcherrorlogs set ID = replace(`FullID`,'P_','')"
sql3 = "update batcherrorlogs set Dayfor = replace(replace(Filename,'ErrorLogs_',''),'.xlsx','')"
sql4 = "update batcherrorlogs set `Date` = date(`Dayfor`)"
sql5 = "truncate batcherrorlogs"
for file in listoffiles:
if ".xlsx" in file:
filepath = 'D:\YourFolderPath\\' + file
for i in range(len(df)):
#python #pandas #excel #automation #upload #etl #datascience #data #science #bi #businessintelligence #business #intelligence
import os
path = 'D:\YourFolderPath'
host = " ",
user = " ",
passwd = " ",
database = " "
sql = "insert into batcherrorlogs (`FullID`, `Error Message`, `Filename`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"
sql2 = "update batcherrorlogs set ID = replace(`FullID`,'P_','')"
sql3 = "update batcherrorlogs set Dayfor = replace(replace(Filename,'ErrorLogs_',''),'.xlsx','')"
sql4 = "update batcherrorlogs set `Date` = date(`Dayfor`)"
sql5 = "truncate batcherrorlogs"
for file in listoffiles:
if ".xlsx" in file:
filepath = 'D:\YourFolderPath\\' + file
for i in range(len(df)):
#python #pandas #excel #automation #upload #etl #datascience #data #science #bi #businessintelligence #business #intelligence