What is muscle dysmorphia? The untold crisis of male body obsession | ABCNL

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ABC News' Trevor Ault reports on muscle dysmorphia, a type of body dysmorphic disorder, leading to dangerous surgeries, workouts and diets as Justin Baldoni and Rumble cofounder Noah Neiman weigh in.

ABC News Live Prime, Weekdays at 7EST & 9EST

#BodyDysmorphicDisorder #MuscleDysmorphia #Crisis #ABCNLPrime
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This started a long time ago. I have a collection of G.I. Joe figures from both the 60s and the 80s. The 60's GI Joe looks like a normal, fit person, while every single 80s GI Joe looks like they are body builders on steroids.


I'm a trained/educated Clinical Dietitian and Clinical Exercise Physiologist and have had countless young boys and older men confess these types of feelings to me which made me surprised but relieved I wasn't the only guy out there suffering too. I sometimes suffer mentally and emotionally because of my profession and feel that sometimes I'm not either healthy looking enough or muscular enough or my advice is stupid because sometimes I cant follow either. I get looked up and down my body when I tell patients my role esp towards my stomach so the pressure is real. There are young boys who end up with life threatening eating disorders and older men thinking of suicide because they no longer be the strength for society's protection. However It's my job to steer them back to a healthy relationship with food, nutrition, physical activity, and body image and that applies to myself as well. Hang in there boys, there are always gonna be good days and bad days in the mirror but remember that your body is only one aspect of the beautiful soul and spirit you fully are.


Thanks for sharing. I had no idea this was an issue for men. We need to know and understand more about men issues as well.


I'm a 47 year old female who has lifted for 6 years and feel like I'm never enough. It's hard to not compare myself to influencers who are half my age, I wish I'd started bodybuilding sooner. I graft but my genetics aren't great, I'm obviously natural and even I have had brief flashes of thoughts on taking peds. I would never do that of course but the need to look bigger and leaner nevers goes.


His name is George Mycock? 😂 no way!!!? 🤣


What an awesome documentary 👏

Kudos to these 3 young men for sharing their insecurities.

We all seek approval
as well as #Self_Acceptance.

The best part
is be yourself
anyone else is fake..

Love yourself ❤
GOD loved you 1st.


I have this. I’m an ectomorph and I’m in ok shape but feel skinny and small all the time. All I do is look in the mirror and train so hard (overtrain). I hate my legs. I want them massive and I can’t deal with it.


George Mycock.... his last name must have attracted alot of bullies leading him to this..


This is heartbreaking. If you relate to the stories of the guys in this video, please go and seak help. You don't deserve to suffer in silence. And even if you feel like no-one cares, I promise I do. Please look after yourself.


I think feeling self conscious of one's body is a very normal part of growing up. For several years I used to force myself to eat every 4-5 hours even when I wasn't hungry to bulk up (from a starting weight of 52kg). Now I've finally realised even though I'm far off from my original goal weight of 70kg (I'm 64kg at 5'7" & 12% bodyfat), it's not worth it putting in that much effort just to show off. I'm content with my current build & am still physically active for 6 hours a week since I enjoy physical activity but I no longer force myself to eat more than I'm comfortable with just to attain a certain appearance. Unless planning to compete in a sport, I believe exercise/dieting should be done with the goal of being "healthy" rather than "fit" since fitness is very hard to measure without a clear/competitive goal and can lead to obsession (since you can always be fitter but not really more healthy past a certain point).


Best way to assess how you look is with a photograph. Our eyes fool us a little when we look in a mirror because our eyes move, we move subtly. In a photo, that's what we really look like.


How often does Muscle Dysphoria and Gender Dysphoria occur relative to each....?


There are way worse addictions to have than working Only the mainstream news can make wanting to be fit a bad thing


I may be getting muscle dysmorphia too because always see myself at the gym is small compared to others who workout. But when people see me they always tell.me im big.


I have that...I got injured in the process


Once you step into the gym and lift consistently you will get body dysmorphia…there is nothing wrong with this as long as you get shredded and lift heavier over time


It seems like every 4 years or so there is major network news story about muscle dysmorphia, as if there is something inherently wrong with daily training and nutrition managment.


A Mirror Will Reveal the Mirage Here.

If you don't like what you see in the mirror then think about fixing what you're showing the mirror. You can fix it yourself (with your diet; with your exercise).

Mirror that with your other options (overeating, undereating, lethargy, status quo, drugs, surgery), and maybe you'll see that self-determination isn't as bad as this newspiece is cracking it up to be.

Maybe we should mirror *the value of willpower* across different generations/regions. Maybe that'd reveal whether there really is a "crisis" here. Maybe not. Maybe...




...maybe it's _Maybelline_ .


Mostly with men but women too. I've got the absolute worst case of it


Yup, and how many fat men are doing underwear modeling?
