Ancient Gospel of John ~ What We Learn from Papyrus 52

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Greek Papyrus 52 is a manuscript dated to the 2nd century and contains sections from Chapter 18 of the Gospel of John, specifically the account of the Lord Jesus standing before Pilate. "Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice," Yeshua says.
This was not a scroll, but a codex. That is, it was what we think of today as a "book," with flip-able pages, written on both sides. It is estimated that the original size was roughly 8"x8" and, if it contained the entire Gospel of John, it would have been about 130 pages.

A big "thank you!" to Mary for asking about this really cool ancient Christian artifact!

Explore this famous and important manuscript at the University of Manchester digital collections website:
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Rob, this was wonderful! Thank you for sharing this!


I can’t believe I didn’t know about this channel until this last MM episode. I’m so happy to be here!!


Rob thanks so much for explaining what the (old style ?) sigma looks like, I have often wondered about that in Greek.
