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#mar mari emmanuel
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Our works are as filthy rags. It is a free gift of salvation you can’t earn it. Doing good works is only a part of our testimony of our faith.


Its by faith. And works are the fruits of our faith and our love for Jesus.❤


Many Shall Be saved Even Trusting In His Name, Salvation Through Faith Alone not By Works.


We do works for the Lord out of love for him, NOT so we can enter into his kingdom, For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life. We believe and have a change of mind. Jesus died because we camt do anything to save ourselves. God bless much love ✝️❤️


And I have to do more. I needed to see this today. I was feeling like I wasn’t doing enough or anything for him in a way that showed that I believed in God or Jesus Christ.


Amen, James 2:26 says, ”“As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.” We need to do the things god calls us to do in our lives! To help and to love others. God bless anyone who reads this. 🙏❤️


"For it is my Father’s will that all who see his Son and believe in him should have eternal life. I will raise them up at the last day"(John 6:40).

Are good deeds/works enough to earn God’s favor? The Bible is clear, good deeds/works are not the path to salvation, faith in the Lord Jesus is.

Our good deeds are the fruit or result of sincere faith.
Good works show our faith(James 2:18).


Yes but the thief on the cross was accepted into Heaven on simply a request of Jesus and did no other DEEDS…so I love Bishop but don’t believe our salvation is so fragile🔥🙏🏼I beg to differ this one time…this teaching discourages our faith in free salvation


After seeing a few different videos of this man, I have to say I do agree with some things he says, but it seems like he hasn't stayed as humble in his faith as he could, like he has some sort of self appointed authority, an ego.


For by grace, you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God; it is not from works, so no one may boast.
Ephesians 2:8-7

That means we are saved by the grace of God alone and not by any action we perform or any noble characteristic we possess. When Jesus was on the cross, the thief on the cross on the left said, " Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and us. " The other thief on the cross on the cross rebuked him and said, ' They both deserved what they was getting and that Jesus had done nothing wrong. The thief's words on the right said, "Lord Jesus, remember me, when you come into your kingdom." Jesus said, "Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise." Jesus didn't say wait first you need to be baptized, then go and volunteer, then give all your money to the poor or half of it, but Jesus said, " Today you will be with me in Paradise (Heaven)." In the end, the two thieves on the cross prove it's never too late to ask for God's mercy.

I don't care if you are Protestant, Restorationism, Catholic, Eastern Orthodoxy or Oriental, Methodist, Baptist, or Lutheran, but if you just put your faith in Jesus Christ and live like Lord Jesus you are my brother and sister. Like the thief on the cross, and said, " Lord when you enter you kingdom remember me Lord". And when go into Heaven I know I am going to see him with Jesus when I died.


Then Jesus Christ dying on the cross . Is not a free gift, and your works get you to heaven lol
