Marshall Vintage Modern 2266c Test and clean up.

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This was another gem from the auction. With auctions like this, sometimes I get lucky, and end up with an amp or guitar that needs basic service.... sometimes I have to do a full repair. In the case of this amp, I have to wipe the dust off. This amp had ZERO issues.
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That 12ax7 sure looks like a JJ. Halo getter, spoked spacers, grey plate.


It amazes me (and not in a good way) the lengths to which Marshall, among others, has gone to recreate and replicate the sound of old tube amps, many of which they originally created(!), using a mind-boggling array of digital circuitry!! The beauty of those old amps was their simplicity, and efficient economy of design. They were simple to operate, simple to understand and service, and they produced deliciously rich, powerful sound. The only 'mod' that many needed was grounding of the primary power! Someone apparently forgot to tell Marshall (and others), "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!"
Ever wonder why original, old Plexis sell for ridiculous sums, and many of their newer innovations can hardly be given away? Jim Marshall's successor(s) would do well to sift through the archives, dust off schematics from the '50s and '60s....maybe the '70s....and simply go back to building the models that made them great....with grounding plugs!
This phenomenon can, of course, be explained in two words: Engineers' agos!! Newly-minted electrical engineers (especially those who are frustrated guitar players), after having accumulated five whole years of experience, begin to consider themselves the saviors of the industry, and nearly every one has 'a better idea.' In fact, all they've done is take a veritable work of art and transform it into a mediocre cartoon version of classic design.
The first 'new' manufacturer smart enough to negotiate for the rights to those venerable old designs, and simply (and faithfully) replicate them will, I would almost guarantee, become very rich!


He didnt use gloves or a cloth to when touching the tubes man...yikes
