Το άγνωστο σπηλαιομονάστηρο που χτίστηκε εξαιτίας μιας λάμψης!!!

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Η Αγία Κυριακή είναι ίσως το πιο εντυπωσιακό μοναστήρι του είδους που έχω δει. Βρίσκεται στον Πάρνωνα και σύμφωνα με την παράδοση, οι ποιμένες που έβοσκαν τα ζώα τους στην περιοχή, έβλεπαν, τα βράδια, να ανάβει κοντά στο μοναστήρι ένα φως, το οποίο το πρωί εξαφανιζόταν. Το φαινόμενο αυτό επαναλαμβανόταν συχνά και μια φορά, αφού έφθασαν εκεί τρέχοντας, με σκοπό να λύσουν το μυστήριο, βρήκαν μέσα σε μια τρύπα την εικόνα της Αγίας Κυριακής και έφτιαξαν το μοναστήρι προς τιμήν της.
Agia Kyriaki is probably the most impressive monastery of its kind that I have seen. It is located in Parnonas and according to tradition, the shepherds who grazed their animals in the area saw, in the evenings, a light coming on near the monastery, which disappeared in the morning. This phenomenon was repeated often and once, after they arrived there running, in order to solve the mystery, they found in a hole the icon of Saint Kyriaki and built the monastery in her honor.
Agia Kyriaki is probably the most impressive monastery of its kind that I have seen. It is located in Parnonas and according to tradition, the shepherds who grazed their animals in the area saw, in the evenings, a light coming on near the monastery, which disappeared in the morning. This phenomenon was repeated often and once, after they arrived there running, in order to solve the mystery, they found in a hole the icon of Saint Kyriaki and built the monastery in her honor.