Are morning routines overrated?

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Will replicating the morning routine of Oprah or Bill Gates will make you as successful as them? Will spending 3 hours every morning meditating, journaling, and working out make you the best entrepreneur on this planet? It's hard to think that changing something that we do every day would have such an impact on our productivity, but that's not what the media would like you to think. In this episode of the Do Video Podcast, Zoë discusses the global fixation on "Popcorn Like Hacking" our morning routines, to make us the most productive brand building robots ever. What you can do to actually stick to a morning routine plan, and myths the media neglects to mention.

Mentioned Videos & Episodes:

0:20 Welcome + apologies for missing last week
0:50 Let's talk morning routines
1:20 Long answer yes, short answer no
1:30 Focus push by the media on bio-hacking using morning routines
2:00 Good morning routine ≠ success
2:40 Hacking your morning routine ≠ you being a better human
2:55 We're all unique human beings
3:15 "Popcorn Life Hacking" + latest trend of Popcorn Psychology
4:20 They seem simple to perform but does it actually help you
4:50 Same trend of "celebrity morning routines" + "popcorn psychology"
5:25 Why this focus on a "successful" person's morning routine?
6:05 Learn from others by testing out individual actions in your own routine to create long-lasting HABITS!
6:20 How and why to create a habit
6:55 Cherry-pick habits that would benefit me and my lifestyle over a full "celebrity morning routine" overhaul
7:35 Sometimes it works for the moment + understands why you are changing a habit for yourself rather than the "possibility" of being successful as they are
8:05 Ultimate choice
8:30 SponsorSpot
10:10 TL;DW
10:55 What's Next

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