INSANE 5 Minute Beast Mastery Hunter Guide For Patch 10.2

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In this video I'll be showing you how to master a Beast Mastery Hunter for patch 10.2 in Dragonflight in just 5 minutes with this guide. This is an insane guide for being packed down into just 5 minutes. Season 3 is here and it's time to dust off the old hunter and get back into it. Weather you're a new player or someone returning this guide will be the perfect quick guide on playing this spec at a competent level. #worldofwarcraft







Kill Command
#showtooltip Kill Command
/cast Kill Command

#showtooltip Multi-Shot
/cast Multi-Shot

Barbed Shot
#showtooltip Barbed Shot

Cobra Shot
#showtooltip Cobra Shot
/cast Cobra Shot

Kill Shot
#showtooltip Kill Shot


00:00 Intro
00:20 What's Changed?
00:38 Stats
01:02 Talents
02:15 Rotation
03:44 Gear
04:20 Consumables
04:28 Pets
04:50 Macros
05:09 Final Thoughts
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We did just get a nerf to pet damage by 25% It's fine. Keep pew pewing hunters!


looking to play bm hunter? you've come to the right place. 2 min later "i have no idea which stats are best, you should sim your character"


Thank you for the video, returning player here and it showed a good grasp of the class :)


Awesome video, really helped me !!!! Much appreciated !!!! Keep up the amazing work.


I'm overwhelmed, this is like rocket science, a mini college course, lol, I'm waaaay to slow. But thanks for your work, at least I have direction.


Sititn at 457il, was not happy with any talent trees online, your is spot on...


Ty! I will do pvp as bm but they list of macros and the explanation behind it is very helpful


Some things I've found after playing my BM Hunter 4 to 8 hours per day for the last two years :

Your pets will always have their backs to you when in a fight, so if an opponent puts a shield up on his front/whatever, try to move around so you and your pets are not hitting said shield.

Thanks to datamining from the Wowhead Client, I could read the actual formula for the Misdirection talent : it only takes into account the damage you do yourself, NOT the damage of your pets ... and since your beasties do roughly two-thirds of the job, it''s an utter waste of a Talent point. For a Marksmanship Hunter, on the other hand, it's a must-have.

And a little know trick, that I thought was a bug, but was confirmed as a feature after filling a report to Blizzard : the Call of the Wild Talent summons two of your active pets, plus a random pet from your stable, at least that's what written on the tooltip.

A very important thing to know is that your "active pets" are those that you actually have with you and can summon, while the "summoned from your stable" are actually NOT the pets you have stashed away, but zoned-themed random pets.

But here's the thing : for the 20 seconds duration of the Call of the Wild Talent, when you have two "active" pets out on top of your usual pair, you WILL benefit from their type special passive ability.

So you really should try to always have a Ferocity, a Cunning and a Tenacity pet with you at all times, and not more, regardless of which one you actually summon, because you will benefit for the +15% Leech of the Ferocity''s Predator Thirst, the +12% Movement Speed for the Cunning's Pathfinding and the +8% max health from the Tenacity's Endurance Training. And all that DOES make a huge difference, if only for 20 seconds.

I'm not a fan of always using a Spirit Beast as my main pet, because the "heal target X" ability is short-ranged and will default to the Tank or the closest character that takes the most damage and not yourself, and the active Fortitude of the Bear "only" increase your max health by 20% and heals you (and your pet) for that amount, in high-damage-intake situations it's simply not enough, with a rather long cooldown of 2 minutes on top of it.

Exhilaration is much more reliable : while it does not boost your maximum amount of HP, it heals you for 30% of your max HP instead of 20%, and you actually can reduce the (same) 2 minutes cooldown on it just by doing your usual, natural rotation of spending Focus, all that meaning it's available much more often, AND does not depend on the type of pet you currently have summoned.

After two years, I''ve found that the trickle-down of the Leech of my Ferocity pets (if they are at full HP, then their own Leech transfers to you) added to the 15% Leech of my own blank shots, Barbed Shots and Cobra Shots, combined with the various Bleed effects from several Talents that also activate the Leech passive, actually heal me much more over a Mythic+ dungeon or Raid than hitting the Fortitude of the Bear every two minutes (if needed, of course).

20% more health, and that amount healed instantly looks very nice, but in practice, in situations where you can lose more than half of your HPs in a single blast, it''s nowhere near enough.

And yes, the Leech is not enough either, in those situation your best strategy is to be elsewhere, use the defensives with their horrendously long cooldowns, or have enough Versatility to mitigate damage while gritting your teeth, popping a heal potion, and hoping for the best.

Avoidance is a trap in most of those situations : it only works on non-targeted AoE damage, per the formula datamined from the Wowhead client, and those high-damage blasts ARE targeted, on top of that Tiertiary stat being a completely random bonus sometimes added to a looted item. Not reliable enough, and not availabel enough, to really make a difference.


Thanks for the video, it helps me a lot


So on bosses in raids with set do you use Single Target or AOE(Raiding)? I cant tell if you said AOE and Raiding or AOE in Raiding


Question from a noob... For the macro's, are those pet abilities tha basic for all kind of pets or do i need to put the actual abilities of my pet in them?


ty for the vid keep them coming good work


is there any videos or clisp of how the new hunter interface works? i cant seem to summon 2 pets at once anymore after stabling my pet


Hi, I really loved your content. I am new to WoW and mostly play Tank characters in every mmo. What class or hero would you recommend for someone like me?

Thanks ❤


ngl these pew sounds made me to sub lmao


Hello! First thing first, thank you for the video, then, do you have the name of the addon tracking frenzy stacks (for exemple at 0:56 above your healthbar) ? Seems very useful


Hi! What addons do i need to get my game to look like your ui :)? I also like the damage font!


gr8 help ty. what does [mouseover, exist, harm, nodead][ ] Kill Shot section do, how do we type this in, as above, but whats it do or control? ty


Where did you get your pets in the pet section of the video? Also great guide. thanks !


Want to try something new on mythic+ and hunter seems fun, how hard is hunter to play? im used to melee rogue, warrior, dh and fire mage was way to hard for me to play when doing mechanics in higher keys. Will hunter be harder or easier to play then rogue, warrior, dh? if to advanced gameplay its hard doing it optimal and still do mechanics 100% perfect
