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This month, The Basics turns five years old, and to celebrate the milestone, it's time to fully explore the meme - this is The Basics on THE UNDERBASE SAGA... the story of the COSMICALLY POWERED STARSCREAM!

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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So what happened to the Cosmically Powered Starscream, he killed virtually everyone and was unstoppable by even Optimus Prime and Scorponok?
Well you see, he was off lined by a Cosmically Powered Starscream.


I love the fact that such a catchphrase like "offlined by cosmically powerd starscream"is become one of the reasons why this channel become so popular in the last few years


I want "I was Offlined by a Cosmically Powered Starscream, and all I got was this T-Shirt." On a shirt, so bad...


This quote was such a running theme, and now we got to see the whole story about this catchphrase


Imagine working so hard for 5 years on a basics, and then all your work gets offlined by a cosmically powerd starscream


I feel like the Underbase could be worked into modern TF mythos by having it be the dark counterpart of Vector Sigma. Whereas Vector Sigma is the source of wisdom and knowledge archived by Cybertron's elders, the Underbase could be where the dark secrets and dirty parts of Cybertronian history that the elders were ashamed of and wanted buried and forgotten were hidden, cast away into space. That'd be a good reason for the Decepticons to want to seek it out and learn its mysteries.


For those keeping score, Cosmic Powered Starscream managed to offline no less than FIFTY FIVE Transformers over the course of his rampage, with more implied off screen later on.

That includes four 5 Bot Combiner Teams (Aerialbots, Predacons, Terrorcons, Technobots), the 6 bot team Seacons, the 5 Dinobots, the 5 Throttlebots, Triple Changers Blitzwing and Astrotrain, the Superior Soundwave and Lazerbeak, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Jetfire, Goldbug, Hound, Mirage, Blue Streak, Buzzsaw, Hoist, Brawn, Gears, Jazz, Blaster, Octane, and even Omega Supreme.


It only takes one Cosmically Powered Starscream to take an entire generation worth of supporting caste offline.


OK I know that Transformers can be a bit inconsistent with death sometimes, but the fact that Megatron was able to bring Starscream back to life when there was nothing left of but a big clump of wires is straight up insane. Whichever medic it was that managed that task deserves a medal.


Fun fact: Bob Budiansky also drew the cover of issue 47 - what a talented guy!


It actually happened twice in Cyberverse. Once with the Allspark, once when Starcream was made into a Quintesson.


You turned a footnote into one of starscreams biggest fan character interpretations


Happy 5th years tf the basics, that was such a great journey, i hope all your work don't get offlined by a cosmically powerd starscream


The Transformers: The Movie: "We killed off almost all of your favorite characters in the span of 20 minutes."
Cosmically Powered Starscream: "Hold my energon."


The most used terms in your videos:
1. Cosmically powered Starscream
2. Machine hating human Circuit Breaker
3. Diaclone
4. Microchange
5. Monster Planet Unicron
Congratulations for your 5th anniversary Pal!


Thank you, Chris, for highlighting my favourite TF comic panel of all time - Starscream addressing the Underbase:
“Blind me with your awful light! Thrill me with your darkest secret! Fill me with your unholy power! Give yourself to me!!” Simple, powerful art and writing; I get cosmically-powered shivers every time (and I’ve the panel as my go-to desktop wallpaper 😁)
I wish you many more years of the Basics.


I've had a personal headcanon around the Underbase saga for decades.

Starscream is pretty famous for having a unique spark. In the original cartoon he somehow survived being turned to slag and became a ghost. This even recurs in a few different versions of Transformers. The idea that the seekers are all clones of him and all have unique powers has been a thing as well.

My theory (personal headcanon) is that the Underbase had such an impact in his spark that it echoed both through time (kinda making it predestined) and all universes, and his spark is always just indestructible in all versions.

Megatron never dared kill him, because he knew (thanks to Shockwave) that he was indestructible, and would be more dangerous if he ever discovered it for himself. Killing him would literally show him he cannot die.

His unique spark always leads to the other Seekers (through whatever chain of events transpire in a given universe) and their special powers are results in mutations of that spark.

And it is all because the Marvel version found the Underbase.

The Underbase is so powerful, it's effects ripple through time and universes.


So the Cosmically Powered Starscream was so powerful no one could offline him but himself and in fact he did? 😂 Congratulations on 5 years of The Basics! As a Transformers lover this is THE GREATEST thing to watch ❤️


Starscream was basically Thanos in The Underbase saga. It's bit funny though none of the other high ranked Decepticons never get change to wield such power.
Though now I wonder would power of the Underbase been so great that it could have killed Unicron, seeing how Starscream had like portion of Underbases power and when Starscream had rest of that cosmic power, it destroyed Starscream.

I just thought way Underbase could be brought in new TF fiction as backup database that almost eclipsed Vector Sigma and to avoid that, Underbase was launched to deep space.


even starscream was offlined by a cosmically powered starscream
