We Drove The Beast // A 27-Liter V12 Spitfire-Powered Monster

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The Beast is a car like no other. Registered as a Rolls-Royce coupe, it holds under its bonnet, a fiery 27,000 cc Merlin engine from a Spitfire. Is it as exciting as it sounds? Is it a death trap? Why is it so long? And what happens when you actually try to drive it on the public roads. Thomas and James are excited to find out. We hope you enjoy the episode. And then subscribe, silly.

A huge thank you to the owner Martin who allowed us to film his car.

And to Shmee150 for joining us in the beginning!

Editors Daniel Mason and Karston Chong
Sound: Harrison Dickson, Karston Chong and Daniel Mason
Magical Genius Logistics Planners: James Engelsman and Joey Alford

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The new owner gives off the right kind of vibes for a car like that. A mix of tough guy, gentleman and crazy. Perfect match.


Mr. Dodd had absolutely zero f's to give😂😂😂


Americans: “We drive massive and totally impractical vehicles.”
John Dodd: “Hold my tea”


This is a great tribute to our father. He was a crazy dad to be sure. The car always turned heads. We'll done chaps you did an excellent job I think he would be smiling at this. Thanks again David dodd


Met John Dodd many years ago whe I took my BMW with a diff problem to a garage in Spain. Didn't realise it was his garage or even who he was before I got there. But by the time I left I'd had the full tour of the beast and heard all about it for a good 2 hours. He was a real character who loved to tell his story.


Can we also appreciate how architecturally excellent the owner’s house is? Those beams and brickwork!


Low-key love what the current owner has done with The Beast. The OG incarnation was kinda too gaudy with the extra headlights lol.


RIP John Dodd, your legacy looks safe with the new owner


This is without a doubt, the single most INSANE vehicle you guys have ever featured.

Dodd was a madman.


The new owner is an absolute legend, just casually driving this thing to a pub, he is every bit as insane as the original owner, I love it


Loved the focused look on the new owner's face during that startup procedure, making sure it's running good. He really is going to take care of it.


Fun fact: The Rolls-Royce Meteor engine was so powerful that some of the members of test crews for the British Crusader and Cromwell cruiser tanks were injured during test drives. The engine had to have a limiter put on and the top speed of the tanks reduced so that the crew wouldn't be thrown about while driving. The tanks were able to go so fast, for the day, that the tank would de-track itself when turning at too high a speed. The Meteor would also go on to propel the Cold-War era Conqueror tank destroyer, which was a whopping 64 tons(71 short, 63 long). The Conqueror was able to go 35 km/h despite it's weight and size due to the Meteor M120 engine.


Alpine in the back: I want to pass, but I don’t know if I would survive.


Rolls-Royce Merlin engine with Rolls-Royce grill, the perfect combination
Also grey looks much better than the yellow one


The genuine fear in Thomas’ eyes while he’s driving is a masterpiece


The negative camber on the wheels from the sheer girth of the thing. 🤣🤣🤣 it’s like something out of a cartoon.


Saw this on the motorway, back when it belonged to Dodd, decades ago - used to tell class mates and friends about the Rolls with the spitfire engine and no one believed me - hope they see this and you benefit from the views and I get the kudos points I deserved. Great video, good to see Tim too.


I was in the petrol station in Churrianna, Malaga around 2006/7 when I heard some serious power pull in on UK. plates. I imeadietly rushed up and ask WTF is that, introduced myself and shook Johns hand. He then very proudly told me a brief version of the cars story gave it a good rev for me also and if i wasnt needing to besomewhere else im sure he would gave took me for a ride. A memory which then got revived a few years later by another youtube video.


Please understand, what I'm about to say is not intended as bragging. I've been very blessed in life when it comes to cars. I have owned just about every car I have ever dreamed of owning. I've had Cadillacs, Lincolns, Mercedes-Benzes, Lexus, BMW, three Porsches, a Maserati, a Ferrari, and a Lamborghini. As a result, I have sadly become pretty jaded when it comes to looking at different cars. There really isn't much that impresses me.

Having said that, I have just spent the last 20 minutes watching with a dumb smile on my face like an excited kid, and shaking my head over and over in complete amazement of "The Beast."

This automobile is absolutely amazing! The styling would be hard to imagine unless you have seen it on video or in person. Then, it has a 27-liter V-12 engine from a WWII Spitfire airplane! It's just so crazy, yet so great at the same time! Then they topped it off with the grill from a Rolls-Royce. Simply unbelievable. This is the most absurd, yet at the same time magnificent thing I've seen in years! 🤣🤣🤣

I'd just like to say a huge "thank you" to Throttle House for posting this incredibly entertaining video! Just,


James just chillin while Thomas almost having a nervous breakdown driving the beast. 😂
