I Wish I Knew This Sooner

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Here is how you can eat dairy if you are lactose intolerant...

Dairy is an amazing source of many unique and essential nutrients for optimal health…

Unfortunately, many of us, including myself, are lactose intolerant, but there are a few ways you can still enjoy dairy and get benefits out of it…

It's always meat / organs / fruit / honey / raw dairy.

This is an ANIMAL-BASED diet, and I believe this is the most optimal diet for humans on the planet...

00:00 Intro
00:34 Unique Nutrients in Dairy
02:07 Overcoming Lactose Intolerance
04:20 Eat More Cheese
05:50 Can Raw Milk Reverse Lactose Intolerance?
06:44 Unrivaled Benefits of Raw Milk
08:44 Free Newsletter


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Disclaimer Dr. Paul Saladino received his medical degree from the University of Arizona Medical School. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Saladino is a licensed physician in California, but he no longer practices in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Saladino and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#lactoseintolerant #weightloss #carnivore #animalbaseddiet #dayofeating #carnivorediet #animalbased #fitness #health #seedoils
Рекомендации по теме

Paul, I normally take nutrition “advice” with a grain of salt. I discovered you a few around 4 months ago. For some reason, you had my attention. I’ve been drinking raw milk, eating raw yogurt and purchasing grass fed beef from a farm at my local farmers market. It has been life changing. I’m primarily carnivore, but consume fruit and rice for carbs (it makes my workouts more efficient). I just wanted to thank you for putting the truth out there, so many people pushing veganism which to me, seems like a fast track to severe nutrient deficiencies.


Thank you Paul truly! Whatever FDA says I try to avoid it. I found myself in this rabbit hole of so many industry lies when I read "The 23 Former Doctor Truths". Its no wonder why Doctor left her career.


For someone like me whose ‘lactose intolerant’ I want thank you for this valuable advice. After years of avoiding I tried again. This time from the local farm and it has been life changing. Thank you!


In Bulgaria we have the best yoghurt in the world. I eat half a kilo every day. No issues with cow or goat’s yoghurt, but I try to eat mostly goat.

Kefir is not so common by the way. We mix the yoghurt with water and this is called airyan.


I just want to say thank you for showing the studies with the facts you are providing.


I've been on your exact diet for a year. I'm 37. I was on carnivore and thank goodness discovered your work. I definitely needed fruit for my endothelial function, having genetic predisposition. Unfortunately i still get cystic acne when I consumed dairy, even raw grass fed cheddar. I drink coconut milk and it's great. I researched aged cheeses 🧀 such as Parmigiano reggiano etc, I will try it. My dad and grandma are Italian, I've been raised on Pecorino....the flavor is amazing. Sprinkle some pecorino on your grass fed meatballs.

PS. Speaking of balls.... Thank you for having the balls to evolve, those carnivores break your balls too much. It's so nice not to chase electrolytes. Endothelial health...kidneys. yadayada


I’ve been lactose intolerant for 35 years but since discovering goat and sheep cheese as well as A2 dairy: butter, cream etc., I’ve been eating dairy without any issues. I believe it’s more of an A1 vs A2 protein issue. TY Whole Foods and Dr Gundry.


Your dog makes this video twice as good!
Not only your hard work but your enthusiasm for good health is what's soon going to get you to 1M subs.


Useful tip- on the label of your cheese, the "carbs of which sugar" is how much lactose is in the cheese 👍


My dog purchases raw heavy cream and raw milk kafir which she occasionally shares with me. She loves the raw cream in her cofee, and some fizzy kafir in the morning. Thanks for your honesty and posting such helpful information Dr Saladino!


Very interesting and beneficial video. Thank you. Thank goodness too for the 0.75 playback speed to moderate the frantic delivery.


I’ve been lactose intolerant the last 20 years and just started drinking raw milk about a month ago and it hasn’t gave me an issue at all. It’s amazing and I definitely recommend, the only issue is I have to drive an hour to get it but if anyone is lactose intolerant, I recommend try and find a dealer and give it a shot


Finally, knowledge I can add to a Paul saladino video.. raw milk has lactase which digests lactose for you so you don't have to worry about it


I don't drink milk, even raw milk, but kefir, cheese and yogurt are great! I learned to make kefir at home from kefir grains, absolutely love it. Keep in mind that any store bought kefir (even from raw milk) does not have same benefits as kefir made from kefir grains. To make kefir is very easy, but once you start, there is no way back.


Thanks Paul for covering these topics so well! Way to give back to humanity


I thought I had problems with dairy ? Turns out it was the seed oils and refined grains ( starch ) some veggies like broccoli! Major gut pain - gas . I now eat animal base diet with some fruit ; few or none veggies…. Feel great and lost weight too !, , thank you


Thank you for telling and teaching us a lot.🙂


I was keto for 2 years and lost a lot of weight. But my thyroid started getting low and I was slowly putting weight back on. I've switched to this lifestyle and I'm hoping it makes a difference. I'll report results in a couple of months


Paul is amazing!! Keep it up, brother…


It's funny how many foods I've been able to include since removing seed oils and refined grains. My whole life I NEVER could tolerate fruit juice or milk. These days they both are invaluable additions to my diet and my body has no issue. Get the freshest A2 milk you can find
