Spirulina Growing - Make Money Fast With Low Investment
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Spirulina Growing. Make money fast with low investment. Spirulina is a type of bacteria called cyanobacterium commonly known as blue-green algae. Spirulina contains 40 to 80% protein content and its growth rate is very high. For human nutrition, it is cultivated in large scale in clean waters and under controlled conditions. Tropical and sub-tropical regions are well-suited places for Spirulina growing. Commercial spirulina cultivation on rooftops is usually carried out in transparent PVC or other plastic containers. The water level height in the containers should be maintained at 20 to 30 cm. The ideal pH value culture medium should be between 8 to 11 ranges. Ideally, for uniform growth and uniform harvesting, 100 grams of mother spirulina is added for every 100 liters of water. Spirulina needs exposure to light. For a high production with high protein content, a temperature between 30° to 35° C is ideal. In general, the pond will be ready for harvest after five days after seeding process is done. 1 kg of dry spirulina can be obtained from 1000 liters of water per week.
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