Weight Bearing Status

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✍️Dr. Matthew Harb is a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon practicing in Washington D.C. Today we talk about weight bearing status after fracture

👨‍⚕️Dr. Matthew Harb - Orthopedic Hip and Knee Surgeon
📍Located in Washington DC
📚Education and Insight
🛠Minimally invasive, outpatient, hip and knee replacement surgery

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Dr. Matthew Harb specializes in minimally invasive, muscle sparing, hip and knee replacement surgery. Minimally invasive surgery allows patients to recover faster and have less pain post operatively. Implants are tailored and custom fit to each patient to allow for improved performance. Dr. Harb’s expertise in rapid recovery protocols allow for quick recovery after surgery and excellent outcomes in patients with hip and knee arthritis. With minimally invasive, muscle sparing surgery patients can return to their lifestyles and get back to doing the things they love sooner. Dr. Harb performs outpatient joint replacement surgery with many of his patients walking independently and going home the day of surgery.

“My focus is excellence in patient care, expedited recovery after surgery, and getting people back to the normal activities they love. Our team focused approach is committed to superb outcomes, improving lives, and returning patients to living pain free.”

** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional **

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I was a gymnast and broke a few bones. I broke my ankle/foot vaulting and was still tumbling in my cast. I stopped real quick when after a month the bones were not fusing back together and they scared me with another surgery! 😂 Gymnasts are really a total different breed for sure!


"We are you"
That dude probably heard that the brain contains fat so he tries to lose it


Is it possible to fix a bent bone that's already healed it's slightly deformed but my wrist still hurts idk how i broke my forearm tho 🙃

Edit: so uhh good news idk how but the callus is slowly disappearing and the bent bone is fixing itself


Your dedication and hard work are paying off.


I never broke a bone when in gymnastics, I have some sort of joint disorder that made me super flexible but also prone to passing out. So 😭 I never got to try this, it looks so much fun!


That “we’re” is literally driving me insane😩


I had hip surgery. And they said i would either get 5% body weight or 5 lbs. Whichever was smaller. It came out to about the same and i had to pracice with a scale before my surgery. It was so frustrating because it was less weight than just letting my leg rest on the floor. So i had to hold it up but not all the way. It was important to have some pressure on it.


i love that guys outfit videos 😭 dylan kolak is a vibe fr


The best weight bearing status is "weight bearing as tolerated"
I bent a titanium rod because they did not account for my tolerance.
I was on only Tylenol and ibuprofen after a femur shortening surgery. Teaching myself how to walk with crutches and my muscles flopping around when they hadn't tightened up yet.
One step felt a little different and I said "huh? Think that rod bent." I brought this up to my mother and the PA and the surgeon. They all said that It couldn't happen and if it did I couldn't feel it.
Right up until I received the rod in the mail with a noticeable though not massive bend.
Shit was hilarious


When I was NWB, it actually messed up my other leg and hip because I was putting so much weight on my good side even with the crutches I hated those things


Broke my femur walked on it the next day went back to the doctors the next month fully healed no issues


I’m currently on no weight baring after foot surg


My Mom open compound fractured her leg in 4 places and it took her a year to get to 50% weight bearing.


Can you do one on breaking a shoulder pls?


"If you break a bone, it really, really hurts!"


Bro, for my literally, the next video is a video of this guy


I bought a knee scooter. I couldn't get the hang of crutches. The scooter saved my sanity.


Have you heard of the one where if you break a leg and its in a cast then if you rebreak it during healing it heals stronger and better?, , ,


I'm gonna back homie up for a sec lol- When you're on crutches for a long time, you get VERY VERY good at it lol. I had skin graphs put on my whole foot after it got run over, and after the 3rd month, I could of started my own show of tricks on crutches lol.


I’m always doing things like that and all sorts of tricks on my crushes
