A Transactive Energy System for Integration of Small-scale DER | Gregor Verbic | Smart Grid Seminar

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This talk will discusses approaches for facilitating the integration of small-scale distributed
energy resources (DER) into low- and medium-voltage networks, in the context of the emerging
transactive energy concept. We focus on three general categories: (i) uncoordinated approaches
that only consider energy management of an individual user; (ii) coordinated approaches that
orchestrate the response of several users by casting the energy management problem as an
optimization problem; and (iii) peer-to-peer energy trading that aims to better utilize the DERs by
establishing decentralized energy markets. A second separate, but necessary, consideration is that
DER integration methods can be implemented with diverse levels of network awareness, given their
capability to address system or consumer interests. This talk systematically classifies the existing
literature on DER integration approaches according to these categories and analyze their impact on
network operation.

Spekar Biography:
Gregor Verbič received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical
engineering from the University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 1995,
2000, and 2003, respectively. In 2005, he was a NATO-NSERC Postdoctoral
Fellow with the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada. Since 2010,
he has been with the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, The
University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia. His expertise is in power
system operation, stability and control, and electricity markets. His current
research interests include grid and market integration of renewable
energies and distributed energy resources (DER), demand response, and
future grid modeling and scenario analysis. He was a recipient of the IEEE
Power and Energy Society Prize Paper Award in 2006.
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