Genius Vertical Wind Turbine for Home beats Off Grid Solar Panel!?

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Most people automatically consider solar panels when thinking about going off the grid and relying solely on renewable energy. But there could be a better option—a genius solution that keeps your home powered even at night or during stormy weather. That’s where the vertical wind turbine comes in. Solar panels are a popular choice for homeowners seeking clean energy, but have limitations. This vertical wind turbine offers a compelling alternative, allowing you to achieve energy independence even when solar panels can't perform at their best. Could this be the game-changer for your home’s energy needs? Join us as we check out the genius vertical wind turbine for home beats Off Grid Solar Panel and what it could change for those interested in clean energy.
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Sounds like a paid commercial what about cost and repair?


Why do YouTube creators always feel the need to say things like "Wind Turbine for Home beats Off Grid Solar"? Wind and solar aren't competing... they work best TOGETHER. Solar for day, wind for night.


What about the damn noise? This seems like an ad to me, not yet sold. Try again?


I would bet that a solar panel and modern battery would outlast any wind turbine at a lot less cost. Moving parts = a point of failure.


Anyone notice those lovely Communist China Flags behind those turbines?


Vertical wind turbines are a great idea, but your presentation of them was full of issues. You’ve ignored not just basic problems but factors that could drastically affect the efficiency of costs of these units. You didn’t mention any numbers or comparative figures, and you repeated the same information over and over. Sounding like an ad isn’t that useful.

First off, Wind power, just like solar, will always need batteries to be useful/efficient, so don’t pretend they don’t. These wind turbines will not always work all the time, only generating usable electricity when the wind is blowing at a certain minimum speed. They can also be subject to wear and tear too, with internal rotating components that need to move smoothly, so it may still need maintenance.

You haven’t talked about the range of electricity generated by these wind turbines, the kind of costs required to buy them (and how long it will take to pay off), and a comparison between these wind turbines and traditional solar panels. The equivalent of how many wind turbines compensate for the same power level as so many solar panels, will determine how many you need to make the same amount of energy. Wind turbines still take up a considerable amount of space, so how much space would you need to lose to put up multiple of them?

And can wind turbines be fixed on steep roofs, or do you need to fix a vertical pole nearby for it to work instead and how expensive would that be to put up on top of the costs for the turbine itself and other installation costs? You criticised solar on this topic but didn’t mention how these are affected.

Furthermore, wind turbines generate energy better at higher altitudes, particularly in built up environments where the wind doesn’t tend to reach as low to the ground. so you might not get much energy output depending on where you place it.


May our Lord Jesus Christ bless your steps. Amen
