'Athena, The Tireless One' (P12 Theme) with Lyrics | Final Fantasy XIV

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First try at the lyrics! 95% confident since I only had trouble with a few words. Let's see! Will do the 'no UI' thing and improve visuals once we have the official lyrics out. For now, this will make do. Enjoy!

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Emet couldn't forget
Elidibus couldn't remember
Athena couldn't give a shit


I like the imagery of her boss design being a resplendant butterfly with her eyes permanently shut and wings in place of ears. A beautiful 'god' who is ultimately blind and deaf to anyone else but her own thoughts.


I get the vibe from these lyrics how utterly selfish and egotistical Athena is. The song is basicly her exclaiming her glory and how by her hand life will become perfect.


I like how WoL has become so powerful that he/she's effectively a divine warden that keeps all the gods in check and anything that potentially becomes a god has to go through WoL first.

it's so absurd but cool.


She may not have the complexity of Emet-Selch or Elidibus, but I find her kind of refreshing : a megalomaniac seeker of godhood that, while able to pass as a kind mother, clearly loves what she's doing and cannot be reasoned with because she's the only one in the right.


Excited for this to be on Spotify in 3 years!


Truly the "Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss" of FFXIV


Nothing tickles my "this is peak videogame" bone than when Hic Svnt Leones plays for those 20 little seconds and snaps back to the main tune with a PAN DE MO NI UM


I love how her intro lyrics go something like "I manipulate your kind in my image" and she proceeds to alter the lyrics of the other raid themes to better match her own, it's a very cheeky way to match the theme with the story thematically and I'm here for it


I like to think that Athena is meant to represent what might've happened had someone with less than savory intentions become Hydaelyn instead of Venat. A pure heart is needed to be a god, otherwise you end up with a creature like Athena, someone/something too obsessed with attaining power for the sake of power itself.

Also I'm betting on Athena's second phase in savage being something akin to a biblically accurate angel, fits the overall theme of eyes found throughout the Pandaemonium raids (especially P8 and P12) and that divine essence Athena so desperately seeks.

Edit : An extra observation, this raid is the perfect showcase of just how powerful we've become since we started our journey. Not only do we have the ability to casually perform summoning spells with Azem's soul stone, but we can tank a true Ultima, something that took most of Hydaelyn's stored up strength to protect us from back in A Realm Reborn and takes a Tank LB3 in UWU.


Man, that part quoting and then twisting Scream’s lyrics is amazing.

“Say goodnight! To the weakness that you hide behind. Leaving the lies, leaving the fear, inside! *Never once were you truly alive.* So scream all you like, no-one can hear you.”

Such a cold and brutal line, that one.


I love the parallels to the gentler Twelve.

This is a selfish, tyrannical god, sung by her, illustrating her dominance over everything and the will to remake the world in her image.

Contrast Menphina and Nald'Thals, and even the Twelve's more serene, relaxed theme. They're not even sung by their respective gods, but from the viewpoint of a follower, showcasing their wishes and prayers, prayers that the Twelve hear and abide.


It went from dance club music into a bayonetta demon summoning bgm real quick


You have to strain a little bit to hear the R in it, but it’s definitely “Thirsty for war” instead of “thirsty for wool”.


Ultima by the Ultima Weapon - "Shit, I can't survive this! Mothercrystal, shield me!"
Ultima by Athena - "I'm stronger now. I can take this to the FACE."


Instead of "I glee" I think she's still saying "Pride. Greed." to go along with "In mud thrive these seeds."


It's incredible how Athena made Hermes and Meteion look like a tiny little oopsie in comparison. Hermes just didn't know what he was looking for and tried to fulfill himself by seeking hope out in the stars, then condemned his home out of a momentary weakness. Athena knew exactly what she wanted - complete, utter, total control over everything, using everyone and everything as a step towards that goal. She goes so far as to seeding her own soul into those of her husband and son and many more besides, all so that whatever happened, she'd remain, all for this goal of complete domination. And if she couldn't have it, she was fully ready to burn it all - because how else does one show complete power over a thing if not by being able to destroy it?


Athena is one of the most Final Fantasy final boss looking final bosses I've ever seen.


There's something very funny to me about her saying "bare your souls to me" immediately followed by the first lyric being "souls laid bare." mission accomplished, I guess


I feel like the devs wanted to clearly explain the problem in the Ancients' society that Hermes was appalled and horrified by, so much that they literally created Athena, the pinnacle embodiment of the Ancients' flaws and philosophical failings. To show how accurate Hermes' predictions were.
