1989 Yamaha DT50

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my father bought me this EXACT bike when i was 10 almost 11 back during the summer of 1990. It was new but obviously a year left over. I rode this bike until i was 16 and got my first truck and got my dl. I couldnt of ever had asked for a better bike. It ran like an absolute champ and i loved it so. I grew up in a very rural part of Arkansas. My dad was a otr trucker and my step mom was usually at home with my baby sister. needless to say I would ride this bike for miles and miles all over the county to all the best fishing holes and to all of the swimming spots and of course to my friends homes everyday where we would meet up and ride until the sunset. They all had ATVs or atc's at the time and so of course the only guy with a dirt bike they always wanted to ride mine. This bike was only 50cc but on a flat surface and on a paved Road in wouldn't have a problem going 70 mile per hour. after a few years I ended up taking the baffle out of the exhaust and jetted the carburetor which added a few more top end mph and added a little torque. I took fairly good care of it. Kept the oil level full and almost strictly used Yamalube for the crank case. I think i went through 3 back tires and one new one and put about 20k on the bike. Then sold it to my younger cousin and by the time he got it it needed a new clutch and so that was changed and he rode it for another 5 years. It was a fantastic motorcycle and I went into a Time Warp watching this little video. I couldnt of had a better enduro beginners bike. thanks for it and what a mighty fine motorcycle you've got.


Your bike seems very nice, beautiful and well preserved. It was one of my father’s old bike( he has plenty of old school bikes still kept in very good condition, like floretta and a Sachs zundapp )and he gave it to me when I turned 16 even though I had been learning to drive it before I got my lisence. I still keep it in perfect condition and I will alwaysdo. This bike means so much to me. Countless memories and rides. I also had to find a safer place to keep it since some gypsy tried to steal it one day.


This was the first bike I ever bought new and my parents let me get it out of savings. I was pretty young, around 10. I remember my dad and I rode double with it up a mountain rode once and that temp gauge was climbing up and fast! Of course I was young and dumb and sold it....wish I still had it as that would have been an amazing restoration project.


Now that's a cool looking machine. I have a tdub and that gauge panel is almost identical


Dam brings back memories , had that same one when I was 13, broke the back fender first thing


I had the same in '84. Good old days.


Where can i find the rpm at the right side?


My Dt 50 runs 75kmh it is fast but it’s acceleration is not even as half as good as yours. What should I do? The Motor is ok I think it is one of the nozzles. Or the small pin, which is connected to the accelerator cable. It isn’t tight. It can wabble around. Sry for my language..😅🤘🏼👍🏼


If you ever decide to let her go please get with me first that's a nice machine!


But isn´t this a 125? Or is it parts from the 125? Well there is some of them here, but not many. And they are surely not in this condition. I had an Honda MT5 this spring but it was very much in need of repair so I had to sell it. But I lost money on the deal. Besides I am too old for this, I am over 40. In Sweden you are considered to be a loser if you drive this kind of vehicle and you have passed 35...
