What is Klinefelter's Syndrome?

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A simple explainer video about the chromosome disorder Klinefelter's Syndrome, which is caused by an extra X chromosome in boys, and leads to low testosterone levels. We describe the common features of the condition and how it is diagnosed and treated. We hope this video will be helpful to you and those you care about.

0:00 Introduction
0:19 How KS occurs
1:25 Features and symptoms
2:45 Diagnosis and treatment
3:49 Living with KS and recap

ABOUT US: HealthSketch is a project to convey health information in visually engaging ways, empowering us all to lead healthier lives. For more information, visit:
Script: Dr Wikum Jayatunga, Dr Samantha Chandrasekera, Review: Klinefelter's Syndrome Association

NOTE: All content, including graphics, audio, text, and links, is for information and education purposes only. This video should not be considered a substitute for professional medical care, so if you have further questions or concerns, please consult a medical professional.

This video was supported by the Klinefelter's Syndrome Association

References and further information:
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I have Klinefelter's Syndrome and it did cause weak bones, weaker lungs like mild asthma, it cause no testosterone so have to take shots every two weeks, also had a brain tumor that really mess me up and almost killed me, and i also had hard time learning like speech and science.


Thanks for the informative video! We found out about KS during our fertility journey. As a form of therapy via vlogging, we have begun documenting our own battle with infertility and desire to have a biological child despite the KS diagnosis. We have noticed that KS looks different in people diagnosed and not every story/description is the same.


I have this. For the longest time I’ve struggled with body positivity until I started working out and hitting the gym vigorously. I recommend every man who finds it hard to look at themselves in the mirror to start picking up weights and get a gym membership!


Thank you ❤❤for making this video❤❤ I have klinefelter's and there's so little information I'm trying to make a playlist


I'm 70 it was not easy for me to deal with, Testosterone just didn't work for me, I have a pretty severe version, all I could ever think was it could be worse, I'm glad most XXY men have normal lives mine was very hard, I could be the poster boy for it Mar


Seems to me that since it's just a blood test to determine if the abnormality exists, it would be wise to just do a karotype test once before puberty so that as normal a development could occur to reduce future health issues. Seems like as soon as sex is involved, everyone looks the other way. Seems to me that our health systems have some questions to answer as this has been a known issue for quite some time.


I think I need to get some tests done..


There are many studies on Klinefelter's syndrome but I havent seen any book or even an article with practical teaching how to live and form close relationships ( or maybe even dating ) for people with said syndrome.


Thank the information and this vedio is a crystal clear klinfelter syndrome


My doctor brought this up today
I'm gonna have a thyroid blood test on thursday, I hope they check for KS too.
I've noticed quite a few of these things growing up and I'm kinda anxious about it. Thanks for the video!


I was diagnosed with this at 27, after trying for kids for a number of years and extensive tests. Im 67 now. Back then, there were no extra's to help, fertility wise. Apart from being a Jaffa (seedless), the on;y other big issue i have had, is teeth. From the very very young age, . massive issues and many time, pain and infections, no matter what. Happy they are mostly all gone now


My partner of 23 years has KS and cannot father children, is totally impotent 15 years now and at 61 I feel deteriorating mentally. Chronic ADHD, mood swings, frustration, loss of memory and general decline.
The sustanon he is injected with assists to a large degree but are there other medications he should be taking for the other symptoms?

As the primary partner I have often been lonely, isolated and worried and even grew irritated and agitated by his often negative and moody behavior and largely his social inadequacy.
The thing is that I am all he has in life and it’s left up to me to be the caregiver.


Taking Cyp for aging and health but now aware of these genetic conditions..🔑♥️💯


A 45 chromosome is Turner’s syndrome where girls have one X and is shorter, 47 chromeosome is Klinefelter where a boy has one extra copy of X which means they had female features and taller than boys with one copy of X


Excellent video, great presentation, very informative - Reviewed and Accepted by a XXY Male 😅


44XY or 46XY?, which one is the correct in normal male?


I think i have Klinefelter too, i have most of the symptoms!


Thanks had this since I was youngest now 37 got sore joints don't really get on with people very slow on learning .not very good at reading. Have problem getting my head around things


I have Klinefelter, I don't have any chest hair, I have feminine waist, I have small breasts, they don't bother me personally in fact I kinda like them (I am medically on feminizing HRT, I am trans). I never undressed in the locker-room bc my chest is super weird.


I have this as well as many men in this comment section I served in the marine corps and army for a total of 8 years and no matter what I could never understand why I couldn’t keep up with pt not that I was bad but I had to really out in the work and after my enlistment I couldn’t do much more and I got my testosterone levels checked and lead to many other test and it’s not been 3 years since being out and test levels are pretty normal now been doing wildland firefighting for twos year now like everyone has said go get checked if you think there’s anything wrong or out of the normal
