Setting Disk Quotas on Windows Server 2012 R2

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Setting Disk Quotas on Windows Server 2012 R2

1. Preapre
- DC1 : Domain Controller ; IP
- DC18 : Domain member, File server ; IP
- WIN71, WIN72 : Client ; IP, 72

2. Step by step

- DC18 : Create new and share a folder on E: named Report

- WIN71 : Logon with account pns\hiepit - map drive Z: \\\Report

- WIN72 : Logon with account pns\vietit - map drive Z: \\\Report

- DC18 : Setting Disk Quotas on E: limit 1G

+ Right-click E: - Properties - Quota tab - Check "Enable quota management" and "Deny disk space to users exceeding quota limit" :

+ Select "Limit disk space to" : 1024 MB

+ Set warning level to : 900 MB - OK - OK

- WIN71, WIN72 : Check map drive Z: - 1 GB

- DC18 : Set disk quotas for hiepit upto 10G

+ Computer - Right-click E: - Properties - Quota tab - Quota Entries... - Quota - New Quota Entry... - hiepit - OK :

+ Select "Limit disk space to" : 10 GB

+ Set warning level to : 9GB - OK - OK

- WIN71 : Refesh - Check again - 10 GB - OK
Рекомендации по теме

really? is this the easiest way to set the quota?
