Why Does the Book of Mormon Mention Dragons?

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Why do dragons sleep in the daytime? They fight knights.


This is so interesting to me. The Hebrew word 'Taneen' has a linguistic similarity to our indigenous word for a reptilian sea creature. This creature is also known as a protector, and has a cultural, spiritual, legendary and mythical significance to us. Different tribes have their own protectors, and these beings can take different forms. However, the most common association of a Taneen is that of a reptilian creature/s who predominantly live in a body of water. Our word is Taniwha, pronounced Tanee-far. I am blown away by this information, wow. Thank you SC for another amazing presentation ❤️


Alligators of Florida are pretty feisty. No wonder we see depictions of serpents in mounds, and Dragons in North America on cliffsides of the Mississippi River. “Americas” we don’t need to always ignore North America where Anishinabee Tribes carry the Semitic genetics, creation stories, and prophecy of the restoration and the millennium, or where they have strong linguistic ties to Hebrew and ancient Akkadian. I know, Central America had a people too, but let’s not forget where the plates ended up.


Dragons are also mentioned in the Bible about 35 times.


I just read these scriptures mentioning dragons two nights ago. I highlighted them. I found it all very interesting. I don't think the authors who scratched out these scriptures could afford to put in unessasary words.


There are many written accounts of dragons existing contemporaneously with man, all over the world. These include the histories of Alexander the Great in India, the Song Dynasty in China, Flavious Philostratus in India, encyclopedia by Swiss naturalist Konrad Gesner, Marco Polo in Karazan, Chronicles of Johannis de Trokelowe and Henrici de Blaneforde in England, Chronicles of Johannis de Trokelowe and Henrici de Blaneforde in the Congo, The Tombstone Epitaph in Arizona, Histories of Penllyn Castle in Wales, and the list goes on and on. With this in mind, it’s very likely that these creatures really existed and were just pushed to extermination when human populations began to expand into their habitat.


In Europe the last Dragon was killed by George. On the island of Komodo there are still dragons. I doubt that European dragons were any different from those on Komodo. But if they were still hanging about in Europe in the Feudal age then they were still all over the world. And they are dangerous lizards.


Thanks for answering my own question about this.


So I'm reading the Book of Mormon and I remember what Joseph Smith Jr wrote about his feelings on it, writing, "...the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book", as if he's studied ever sacred book ya know?!

Well I want to be able to identify all the precepts in the Book of Mormon so that not only can I live and abide by them but I can share with others what they are exactly.

And I read up to the account of the Anti-Nephi-Lehis in Alma 24 where they had a mighty change of heart. Even a spiritually-radical change of heart and thereafter they refused to ever take up weapons again to distance themselves as far as spiritually possible from the sin of killing even if it meant self defense. Understanding that killing in any form was just that serious. Even more serious than they had understood about "Thou shalt not kill" than they had ever before understood.

But then I couldn't help but think of all the heroic rhetoric I grew up seeing in pictures and in Sunday school classes and seminary about Moroni and what it meant exercise the actions behind his Title of Liberty banner which teaches a complete inverse of the precept that is taught to us from the Anti-Nephi-Lehis.

Can someone please help me to reconcile between the precepts taught here? 🙏

Thank you. God bless. And all glory to God ✝️ 🕊 ☯️


I enjoyed this description of dragons.


Unicorns are mentioned in the Bible as well. Never really gave it much thought, figuring one day we’d understand it all, whether they’re correct translations, imagery for effect, symbolic or whatever.


I'm going to be a silly guy and say that the opening Dragon was actually a Wyvern because it was missing a pair of front legs.


There are also many sources that suggest that dinosaurs lived among humans until the flood or shortly after it as well.


It's clearly a simile: "they fought LIKE dragons". There's no need to scratch our heads and wonder what real world American animal to compare dragons to. Every culture throughout history across the world has dragon myths. Dragons are different in each, but the commonality is that they are very powerful with supernatural abilities.

When the author says "and like dragons did they fight", he's using a shorthand expression to condense the idea that the people of Limhi, in spite of being outnumbered more than 2 to 1, still managed to pull off an epic victory because of an uncanny fighting prowess and unusual fierceness, with the implication that the victory was because of divine favor (ie: supernatural power)


From the 1828 Websters dictionary used in Joseph Smith day. Note #3 definition below. a perfect use of the word in the B of M.
DRAGON, noun [Latin, Gr., G.]

1. A kind of winged serpent, much celebrated in the romances of the middle ages.

2. A fiery, shooting meteor, or imaginary serpent.

Swift, swift, ye dragons of the night! That dawning may bear the ravens eye.

3. A fierce, violent person, male or female; as, this man or woman is a dragon

4. A constellation of the northern hemisphere. [See Draco.]

In Scripture, dragon seems sometimes to signify a large marine fish or serpent, Isaiah 27:1. Where the leviathan is also mentioned; also Psalms 74:13.

Sometimes it seems to signify a venomous land serpent. Psalms 91:13. The dragon shalt thou trample under foot.

It is often used for the devil, who is called the old serpent. Revelations 20:2.


Dragons could have been dinosaurs because the word dinosaur didn't exist until the 1800s so maybe dinosaur remains are really dragon remains


Talk, talk, talk, (random zoom), talk, talk, talk... ??


Because that is the word they used for dinosaurs which lived in their time. Yes. Scientists have found dinosaur bones with soft tissue still intact in them. They have debunked the scientists dating mechanism as false.


Is Genesis History has tons of information on the fact that dragons was the word used for all kinds of creatures including dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were on the ark, they are documented throughout history.
