Apprendre le portugais (Brésilien): Francês: Aprenda francês: French-Portuguese: My First 100 Words

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Famous Brazilian Foods:
1. Feijoada: Considered Brazil's national dish, feijoada is a hearty black bean stew made with various cuts of pork, beef, and smoked sausage, typically served with rice, collard greens, and farofa (toasted cassava flour).
2. Pão de Queijo: These small, cheese-filled rolls made with cassava flour and cheese are a popular snack or breakfast item in Brazil. They are crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside.
3. Brigadeiro: A beloved Brazilian sweet, brigadeiro is a chocolate truffle made from condensed milk, cocoa powder, butter, and chocolate sprinkles. It is often served at birthday parties and celebrations.
4. Acarajé: Hailing from the northeastern region of Brazil, acarajé is a deep-fried ball of black-eyed pea dough filled with a shrimp and vatapá (a spicy paste made from shrimp, bread, coconut milk, and palm oil) mixture. It is a popular street food.
5. Moqueca: Moqueca is a traditional Brazilian fish stew made with coconut milk, dendê oil (palm oil), peppers, onions, tomatoes, and various seafood such as fish, shrimp, or crab. It is typically served with rice and farofa.

Have you ever tried Brazilian food or desserts? If so, what are your favorites? Are there any must-try options that you recommend?

Famous French Foods:
1. Croissant: A buttery and flaky pastry often enjoyed for breakfast or as a snack.
2. Escargots de Bourgogne: Snails cooked in garlic butter, a classic French delicacy.
3. Coq au Vin: Chicken braised in red wine with mushrooms, onions, and herbs.
4. Ratatouille: A vegetable stew made with eggplant, zucchini, bell peppers, onions, and tomatoes.
5. Bouillabaisse: A flavorful fish stew originating from the port city of Marseille.

Have you ever tried French food or desserts? If so, what are your favorites? Are there any must-try options that you recommend?

English Sentence Examples:
1. Chair
I sat on the comfortable armchair in the living room.
The teacher asked the student to sit on the front chair.
We need to buy more chairs for the dining table.

2. Table
We gathered around the dining table for dinner.
The office conference room had a long wooden table.
The antique table had intricate carvings.

3. Computer
I use my computer for work and entertainment.
He built his own gaming computer.
The computer crashed and lost all the data.

4. Phone
She answered the phone and spoke to her friend.
I couldn't find my phone; it was in my bag all along.
The new phone has an excellent camera.

5. House
We moved into a beautiful house in the suburbs.
The old house creaked in the wind.
They built a treehouse in the backyard.


This French-Portuguese (Brazilian) language lesson designed for Portuguese (Brazilian) speakers interested in learning French (#AprenderFrancês) and Portuguese (Brazilian) learners (#ApprendrelePortugais).

We encourage you to subscribe and embark on this learning journey with us. Together, we can learn and grow! We extend our sincere appreciation to all who have shared our languages and culture and have been an invaluable part of this incredible journey.

Français, Apprendre le portugais, Vocabulaire en portugais, Leçons de portugais, Portugais de base, Parler en portugais, Écouter en portugais, Lire en portugais, Écrire en portugais, Portugais pour débutants, Mots courants en portugais, Culture portugaise.

#Français #ApprendreLePortugais #VocabulaireEnPortugais #LeçonsDePortugais #PortugaisDeBase #ParlerEnPortugais #ÉcouterEnPortugais #LireEnPortugais #ÉcrireEnPortugais #PortugaisPourDébutants #MotsCourantsEnPortugais #CulturePortugaise

Francês, Língua francesa, Aprender francês, Vocabulário francês, Aulas de francês, Francês básico, Falar francês, Ouvir francês, Ler francês, Escrever francês, Francês para iniciantes, Palavras comuns em francês, Cultura francesa.

#Francês #LínguaFrancesa #AprenderFrancês #VocabulárioFrancês #AulasDeFrancês #FrancêsBásico #FalarFrancês #OuvirFrancês #LerFrancês #EscreverFrancês #FrancêsParaIniciantes #PalavrasComunsEmFrancês #CulturaFrancesa
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📚❤ List of French Language Lessons in 20 Languages 🌍:
1. Numbers

2. 30 Travel Words

3. 500 Words, 31 Topics

4. My First 100 Words

5. Travel Words: Antonyms

6. Travel Words: Verbs

Our deepest appreciation goes out to every single contributor who has played a role in making this journey truly exceptional. 🙏 Let's keep our passion for learning languages and exploring cultures alive, together! 🚀👫❤


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📚❤ List of Portuguese Language Lessons in 7 Languages 🌍:
1. Numbers

2. 30 Travel Words

3. 500 Words, 31 Topics

4. My First 100 Words

5. Travel Words: Antonyms

6. Travel Words: Verbs

Our deepest appreciation goes out to every single contributor who has played a role in making this journey truly exceptional. 🙏 Let's keep our passion for learning languages and exploring cultures alive, together! 🚀👫❤
