Who Knows Grinch Better? Kade Vs Jack!

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Who Knows Grinch Better? Kade Vs Jack! Does Jack or Kade know Grinch better? Crazy consequences happen when they get answers wrong, like dressing up like an elf and other hilarious and funny challenges!
Watch Shonduras latest video! @Shonduras MAKiNG SQUiSHiES with ADLEY!! What's inside our homemade squishy toys? Family Craft n Backyard Fort
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Watch Shonduras latest video! @Shonduras MAKiNG SQUiSHiES with ADLEY!! What's inside our homemade squishy toys? Family Craft n Backyard Fort
Look at the Tannerites new video! @Tannerites Giant Elf On The Shelf Caught In Our HouSe! Decorating and Then Disappeared!
Watch this exciting video by A For Adley @AforAdley NEW CHEF at Adley's Mystery Cafe!! Adley is the restaurant Boss! Clown Costumes and Turtle Tacos
View SuperHeroKids new video! @SHKFamily - If Minecraft Was Real
Check Out Our Other Fun Squad YouTube Channels Here:
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Mailing address: PO Box 941, Riverton, UT 84065