How to Save/Load Data with Text File (2/2) - Java Extra 16

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On this video, I'll explain how to save the game data by using a text file, BufferedWriter and FileWriter.

Also I will explain how to handle this save file when you export your game as a JAR file.

Java Extra Playlist:

#programming #gamedev #java
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Thank you so much for these videos. It has made learning so much easier !


Hi, Mr.RyiSnow. Thank you so much for sharing this youtube video. I hade a problem with som code for about writefile, but I could get a solution from this video. Thank you!! and take care yourself.


If anyone wants to see an example of how to accommodate the inventory system into the save/load code I've uploaded my solution for each version under the respective videos (development videos #13 & 14, respectively). I found when I initially tried to do it the same as showed in the video that it's not as simple as just writing and reading the inventory because the 'empty' item slots won't work properly; so I had to build a work around.


This might be a bit of a longshot, but do you think that you could make a video guide on implementing a save and load game feature for this game using gson or serialization?


These videos are quite old, but they helped me a lot! Thank you so much ^^.


I'm still facing problems with my program, I'm trying to save & load JColorChooser and names to a certain buttons but I don't know what to do.


I know i am quite late to the party but i have a question that maybe you can help me with.
i tried to make a simple program to test the saving to a file but i get a error:
IOException -
if the named file exists but is a directory rather than a regular file, does not exist but cannot be created, or cannot be opened for any other reason

i thought i followed everthing you did but i cant get it to work. any advice?


Is there a way to make it load the player posistion also? So when i click continue it doesnt put me at the start of the game, because i have an intro sequence. Thanks for your help before


Please can I have the source code for this?


Hello RyiSnow,

I wanted to let you know that I adapted your text-adventure game to a JavaFX GUI which I made in SceneBuilder. It is based off of the code from your blog, and does not have save/load options. Also, the comments on your blog do not work.

Thank you for your help with your blog and videos,
Joshua Paul Barnard
