What is the greatest way someone has attempted to harass you, which ended up backfiring?

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the proper welding... enough to make a grown man cry


I was a dairy farm kid. A neighboring farm was sold for development and someone built a house directly downwind3 of a 7 acre corn field on our farm. Then complained about the smell of the manure. They complained for over a year.

They tried various legal maneuvers like to get the township to shut us down because agriculture wasn't an allowed used under the zoning laws and that we hadn't paid taxes on the part of the farm that was in the neighboring township. The farm was in continuous use since before the zoning laws existed. The two townships had an agreement to treat such properties as though they were in only one, deciding which based on a set of rules like where the residence was located, majority of the acreage, etc.

Ultimately the mother of one of the couple publicly told them, "If you didn't want to smell cow shit you shouldn't have moved to the country."


had lady say I had to prove I owed the house I was moving into...I told git...Police showed up started to question me...I stopped them and said Your jurisdiction ended about three hundred yards to the south this is...such and such township...you're city police next city over...they said yep and drove away ....lady stood there smiling when a sheriff deputy from the county showed up ..lady told them I did not show her proof I owned the house deputy asked... you live here? I said yes they just drove away..


The maintenance guy that runs the school workshop is always the nicest, most helpful person at the school.


Owned and ran a computer repair shop for about 7 years. Had a guy get angry that I had the nerve to ask for payment to repair his computer. He threatened to call my boss who, according to him, was a 'close friend'', and get me fired.

The fellow he thought was 'my boss' was the FORMER owner of the business; he'd sold it to me like two years prior. He was indeed friends with him, but the look on his face when Ray told him that he didn't run the shop any more.... priceless.


If he's the maintenance supervisor then the maintenance supervisor isn't his boss... he still has to report to the principal


My husband once did the turn around then stick out his hand when someone said they wanted the owner thing. He saw someone do it on a video and he was SO excited when he got to use it.


Had a job where a coworker thought he was king shit cuz his mom also worked there and was friends with some managers. Most people hung on his every word. I did not as I could see he knew a lot less than he claimed to. He repeatedly set dumb traps I kept side stepping. Cue me training a new guy. Couple times I noticed King Poo go and pump him for information every time he walked away doing something else. Was wrapping up something one day before one of trainer's breaks & could see King Poo lurking. Skipped a step, trainee said don't we have to do that, and told him nah, don't worry about it. Trainee went to break, King Poo follows, talking to him the whole way. Soon as they're out of sight, I put things back the right away. 5min later, King Poo shows up with our manager in tow & big grin on his face. Manager questions me about it, I play dumb, unlock the cabinet & show manager everything is normal. Made sure to smile at King Poo when manager's back was turned. Didn't see or hear any discussion between him & manager after, but bro rage quit the next day.


My buddy did something similar. He owns a crane service and his normal operator had a family emergency, so he when his operators place for the day. The people on site that ordered his services were being rude and not communicating right and screamed at my buddy asking for the number of the owner. So my buddy points to the number on the side of his crane and hops inside it. They call the number, my buddy answers saying so I hear you’re giving my guy grief.


In high school, sitting in our schools theatre, waiting to watch some presentation. Sitting next to "The little tyrant" - this guy had some sort of complex I guess he just wanted to prove he was big even though he was the shortest and smallest in the class. He had been launching elbows at me but not very seriously. I turned away to pay attention to someone speaking to me when he decided to launch a serious elbow, but ended up hitting his funnybone on my chair. I turned back to him and smiled and just said "See".


I was standing in my parents front yard drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette. A city police car had pulled someone over in front of our house, so I decided to watch. The cop said that me standing there with a beer was drinking in public and was going to arrest me. I said, no it's private since it's my parents yard. I also told him that he's a city cop, and we live in the county. I then told him that my father was friends with the chief of police, and they drank beer together at the Knights of Columbus. I didn't think his boss would like finding out he was harrassing people.


i wish i was there to see the man's reaction when Op's phone rang. 😂😂😂😂😂


Once saw my GM do a 360 spin after bending over backwards trying to please a customer but not try to break policy. After denying her offer for free service on a repair she demanded to see our GM. He responded by doing a 360 spin in place and saying “that’s me!” I hid behind a car to hide my smile


My dad has driven semi trucks for all of his adult life. He has a trick for people who flip you off: Just smile and wave at them. They’ll do anything to get away from you.


Let's not forget that sometimes what is "correct", is not necessarily "legal"... nor is it always "correct" what has been labeled as "legal".

They should be the same... but sadly, they aren't, yet...


A story like this dad is lucky that jerk didn't try going over his head


as an electrician the paint job pisses me off as the outlet cover is now going to be stuck to the wall and rip off the paint if we need to do anything to that outlet and even if you get it off without ripping paint you will now have to set the outlet and cover perfectly back the way is was so if it was crooked it will forever be crooked


Used to work security at a mall and there was a policy called the Parental Escort Policy which states:

“no one under the age of 18 can be in the mall without being escorted by someone over the age of 21”

This was only every Friday and Saturday only and it was mostly to prevent rowdy kids from being in the mall harassing people who just want to shop. That rule has been there for about 10 years before I even started and it’s a mandatory policy. One night I see these kids who are probably around 9 to 12 years old and I ask them if they have parents which they said yea and I gave them the pamphlet telling them they must stay with their parent because we have a policy in place and if they don’t want to be stopped by someone else to find them and let them know they can’t walk by themselves. About 15 minutes later some lady and her husband started aggressively yelling at me for harassing their kids which I asked them who are they talking about. They went and started screaming at me and the husband who started yelling this is America and I they have rights to be there. I informed them they are in private property opened to the public and must follow the rules even if they don’t like it. I tried to explain the policy which they started calling me racist because I stopped their kids who were white. They kept harassing me and what they didn’t know was behind them there were 2 on duty cops who decided to patrol the mall because they were bored and stopped when they saw these people yelling. Everything was fine until the husband took a swing on me but I managed to dodge and get him in a headlock which caused the wife to start attacking me. The lady then felt someone pulling her off of me which she then punched one of the cops which prompted him to handcuff her and the other cop handcuffed the guy. Both kids watched in horror as their parents were arrested in front of them. I pressed charges and they were barred from entering the mall for life due to that incident. The lady was charged for disorderly conduct and assaulting an officer and spent about 2 months in jail, and husband spent a few weeks due to disorderly conduct. The kids I still feel bad that they had to witness that.


"I know people" clearly he didn't


I had a vehicle parked on the street in front of my house. My horrible neighbor wanted to park a couple of their vehicles in front of my house...but they are not only too shitty to do it the right way by asking...but they are so self-entitled they refuse to acknowledge I have the right to park there too. The stupid woman called the police to have me ticked or towed...but I was fully within the law. Ends up...she wasn't. She got herself not one, but two tickets, one that day and one a week later because the cops came again. They have also dared me to call the cops on several occasions over noise...only to be told by the police to knock their shit off every time.
