Web Causation Epidemiological Model | Disease Causation | Web Causation of Non-Communicable Disease

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In this video lecture of epidemiology, I explained the #Web of #causation: MacMahon, Pugh, and Ipsen (1960) and Susser (1973) argued that a #linear #causal chain of #multiple #factors does not take into account #complex #precursors to each component of the #chain, and these may well overlap and may have further complex #interactions. Venkatapuram goes on to remind us that these
authors exchanged the old notions of single agent or social chain of events causing disease for a more metaphorical ‘Web of Causation’. This web of causation explores multiple #causative factors, giving each an equal prominence in identifying determinants and relevant interventions. It has
been suggested that in this web, perhaps the most significant #determinant may well be the most proximate one. The web of causation offers a useful way forward in understanding etiology and linking #social #determinants and social factors and #biomedical aetiological factors.

The “epidemiological triad theory” was very effectively used by Leavel and Clark in explaining the natural history of disease and levels of prevention. The terms primary, secondary and tertiary prevention were first documented in the late 1940s by Hugh Leavell and E. Guerney Clark from the Harvard and Columbia University Schools of Public Health, respectively. Both were pioneers in Public Health. Leavell and Clark described the principles of prevention within the context of epidemiological triangle model of Causation of diseases of Host, Agent and Environment.

As per their concept, the primary prevention seeks to prevent a disease or condition at a prepathologic state; to stop something from ever happening. #Primary prevention strategies emphasize general health promotion, risk factor reduction, and other health #protective measures. These strategies include #health #education and health #promotion #programs designed to foster #healthier #lifestyles and #environmental health programs designed to improve #environmental quality.

#Secondary #prevention focuses on individuals who experience health problems or illnesses and who are at risk of developing complication. Activities are directed at early diagnosis and prompt intervention, thereby reducing severity and enabling the client to return to normal. Its purpose is to cure disease, slow its progression, or reduce its impact on individuals or communities.

Tertiary prevention occurs when a defect or #disability is permanent and irreversible. It involves minimizing the effects of long-term disease or disability by interventions direct at preventing complications and deterioration. Tertiary prevention strategies are both therapeutic and rehabilitative measures once disease is firmly established.

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