Valve’s new game Deadlock: Hero tier list

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Valve’s new game Deadlock: Hero tier list
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Dive deep into the world of Deadlock, the third person MOBA shooter from Valve with elements from Valorant, Overwatch, Dota2, and League of Legends. Check out our exclusive gameplay footage, expert guides, and in-depth walkthroughs!
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Known for the Sova lineups on Valorant. I also sing :D


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Imma be honest, I've been enjoying the deadlock vids 10x more than all the Val for the past 2 years. Can't wait for full release.


the shiv thing is even crazier then you said, because in the SAME DAY he was nerfed FOUR TIMES and he STILL dominates lmao


I think the best part of Deadlock in its current state is that there are no “bad” characters. Sure he put McGinnis in C tier, but with the right items she can be an insufferable hero to fight.


High spirit high lifesteal Mo and Krill is by FAR the funniest lane bully in the game. Literally just run in like a moron, heal to full, and back off.


Dude i saw "deadlock" and immediatly thought "No way this guy is back to val"


McGinnis has to be one of the most divisive heroes between low and high MMR - she’s almost omnipresent in low MMR lobbies but tends to underperform in higher ones a lot

Personally I’d probably move Bebop and Paradox to A, I think they have some builds that can make them perform really well - you mentioned that you’d rather play gun Ivy than gun Bebop, but I think the capacity of Bebop to displace enemies and save allies can give him the edge in some situations even if he’s less survivable.

Aside from that though this seems like a great tier list, I agree on most of the other points


honestly mcginnis just need an easy fix: swap her m2 zoom for reving up the gun like heavy in tf2


i feel like abrams and warden, both tanky/bruiser characters, are the strongest heroes in the game right now. they have insane survivability and at the same time an insane damage output. anytime we go against an abrams or warden they always get ahead in lane and turn into unstoppable monster in the late game. personally my least favourite heroes to go against. im not calling them OP but god damn my entire team struggles against these two mfs every game


Not gonna lie, i was tired of that Valorant grinding too, same thing everyday, headshot, getting headshot, lineups, always the same, i've transitioned to deadlock too recently and was happily surprised when i saw you did too ! I'm happy i can still watch my favorite streamer/youtuber by sheer luck :)


Good to see you enjoying yourself again! Gonna really enjoy the Deadlock videos!


I literally cant wait for youe deadlock videos and streams!! I love this game


i actually really like this list, and the thoughtfulness that went into it, i think its a very solid and meaningful set of insights.

You even highlighted counterplay, which i think is essential to making a reasonable list like this

in particular, highlighting how bizarre yamato, seven, and haze are was good

yamato is unironically the most terrifying character to fight, and good yamato mix up the timing of their ult for start->mid-> pre death which makes her insanely difficult to fight against, but a poorly timed ult is just a delayed death, and most yamato are NOT good yamato, and her kit is ALL OVER THE PLACE where you can never build into everything she WANTS to do, and really end up ignoring something, often to her detriment. You have this bizarre playstyle that has to change every single match because which abilities you emphasizes changes so drastically, and i dont think the player base has the skill level to use that yet.

seven is...yeah. nail on the head. early on: ult to win. as you learn more, stuns and cover go brr.


bro is trying way to hard to not get lash nerfed no way u dont think he is S he is easily a top 3 character if not top 2


I love mo and krill. Hes such a fantastic jungler but hes also an amazing enabler. So many fights can be won by burrowing in and catching enemies off guard.


As someone who hasn't played mobas or team shooters since 2015 or so, Deadlock pulled me back in and I'm interested in seeing where Valve takes it. Appreciate the video. Lots of good insight.


I assume you dont know this, but ivy can carry an ulting Seven... this is the most OP thing in this game by far.


You almost nailed it with Paradox. She is actually insane pretty much all game long. Her abilities sound pretty meh on paper but she can be absolutely a pain in the ass if the person knows what they are doing and like you said, "There isn't a lot of Paradox mains out there." She can completely flip an entire game with just just one ability or two. She is super slept on. I know other people said that same thing early like saying she is S tier. Dude, your gut instinct was right. She is pretty crazy (if you know how to play her).


"My main is not top tier, he's hard character to play and you have to be a good player to play him well" I don't know if that is true in this case but I have played way too much fighting games to not smell bullshit.


I would argue that Warden should have been bottom of S or very top of A. He has extremely safe laning phase and has an extreme power spike with slowing hex and late game has one of the stronger gun builds and still gets to keep one of the few point and click ranged ccs in the game. Also by pure numbers I believe he has currently one of the highest win rates overall (Dunno about high mmr specifically).
