4 Common Diet Myths Debunked

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There's so much diet and nutrition BS out there that it can be hard to figure out what to actually eat! Laci takes a hard look at several diet myths to decipher how best we can be healthy.

Read More:
8 Ridiculous Nutrition Myths Debunked
"From calorie counting to high-protein diets"

A low-carbohydrate diet is more effective in reducing body weight than healthy eating in both diabetic and non-diabetic subjects.
"Low-carbohydrate diets are effective for weight reduction in people without diabetes, but there is limited evidence for people with Type 2 diabetes."

Comparison of energy-restricted very low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets on weight loss and body composition in overweight men and women
"This study shows a clear benefit of a VLCK over LF diet for short-term body weight and fat loss, especially in men."

Low-Fat Dietary Pattern and Weight Change Over 7 Years
"Obesity in the United States has increased dramatically during the past several decades."


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Low carb? Low simple or complex? Source and type of carb and quantity make a difference. e.g. Vegetables vs. table sugar. This is the kind of partial information that gets people so confused.


I'd say for the most part, weight loss is calories in and calories out, but health isn't.


where can I find this study? about how different sources of calories affect your body


My iPad repeatedly stopped working while watching, guess it was from all the bs in this video


We've all adapted to the diets that our ancestors had for thousands of years in their respective geographic locations and what types of foods and nutrients those locations have to offer. One area may be lacking in sources for one nutrient while another may be overflowing. Our ancestors adapted to surplus and deficiency and it's only been relatively recently that many have migrated to the Americas. This is why some do better on certain diets than others and why some can be vegetarians and others cannot. My mother once told me when I was growing up of a story of how her and her best friend in high school decided to become vegetarians together. My mom's best friend felt great and full of energy while my mom felt fatigued, lethargic and unmotivated to do anything. She ended up going to the hospital where the doctor told her she had to consume at the very least a moderate amount of red meat. Apparently, my mom's side of the family grew up around a plentiful supply of livestock and became genetically dependent on the protein and iron rich diet of beef before emigrating to the US at some point. On the other hand, I had a biology teacher who was descendant from an area in France where there is (or at least was) a very extremely small amount of iron in the inhabitants' diet. My bio teacher explained this to the class after he had a health incident in class due to his body having more iron in his blood than his body could handle. His ancestors had adapted to a deficiency in iron in order to survive and therefore had a low tolerance for it. In a sense, various nutrients are like drugs and we inherit our "tolerances" and "addictions" from our parents.


I wish more of these studies would focus on what 100% whole grain and home made bread and pasta can do. I think paleodieters can be very healthy, but I don't believe some of the claims by the strict anti carb people.


Fructose and glucose are both carbohydrates, fructose is found naturally in high fibre foods that fills people up, not increases their appetite, truly low carb diets would eliminate vegetables, fruit, oats, bran and just about every source of fibre (spelled the non-american way), low carbohydrate diets have been repeatedly proven to cause minor to life threatening liver damage and reduced neural capacity and would, for vegetarian dieters, involve eating pretty much only tofu, eggs, nuts,  dairy products and quorn.


One thing to note: Fruits also contain fructose but the amount is usually low (bananas has a relatively high fructose content for fruits but even then you need 5 bananas to match the amount of fructose in a can of soda). The amount of vitamins, nutrients and fiber you get from fruits more than make up for the fructose content.


Moderation is everything. If only it wasn't so hard to figure out the moderation for everything.


Could you tell my school the "low fat" thing so we can get full fat milk again? Low fat milk is NASTY.


Can you guys do a video on why i skim through the other 2 hosts of the show for the info but Laci's smile keeps me watching the video so bloody attentively? 


What about a High Carb Low Fat Vegan diet? So far it has worked for everyone I know who's tried it - including me.


Funny how the video claims to be busting diet myths, but then turns around and perpetuates the notion that low-carb diets are good. Such diets have consistently proven to cause the breakdown of muscle mass after excess water retention has been lost, not to mention the havoc it wreaks on appetite and metabolism.


this channel is so much better than any tv show


1. All calories are not created equal. Got it. No matter what calorie type more out than in equals weight loss. 
2. Don't diet, just eat less carbs. Got it. Don't diet, just eat less carbs.
3. Egg yokes contain a lot of cholesterol (which is bad), but also contain lots of good stuff. Got it. Egg yolks in moderation are ok. 
4. Wait, where was #4? Guess I'll add my own. Skinnier is not equal to healthier. Bigger muscles are not equal to healthier. Eat a healthy diet consisting of mainly vegetables, nuts, berries, and fruits. Occasionally eat meat and poultry and grains in moderation. Eat as little junk food/fast food as possible; less is better and none is best. Smoke and drink as little as possible; less is better and none is best. Make sure to get at least 20 minutes of physical exercise everyday. 

If you follow all of this advice then you won't need to waste time worrying about your weight, you'll be healthy and feel great. 


what about eating 'tonnes' of fruit and vegetables ? lol


Different calories have different effects but calories in-calories out is still true.


No, all calories aren't created equal...but I think what's being left out here is that...it's less about what macronutrient is the base of the calories, and more...are they just *empty* calories? I mean, carbs like white bread, cakes, cookies, doughnuts, white pasta, etc. have carbs...and not much else in the way of nutrition. On the other hand, whole grains (like oats, whole wheat, barley, millet, brown rice, etc.) and pastas, cereals, breads, and other products made from them have nutrients like fiber, protein, iron and other minerals, so they're far from just empty calories. Same with legumes, vegetables, and fruits; all rich in carbs, but also rich in other nutrients.


how much do we need meat? is there any problem with a vegetarian diet or is it healthy?


I love it when I learn something new. And this time I did learn something new.
I think you're right at the end. There are too many conflicting dogmas concerning diet. Everything is in the extreme opposite of something else. 
