How a basic play became nearly unstoppable

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The pick-and-roll is a simple idea that has grown in complexity over the years and now dominates basketball. This detailed film room breakdown discusses the history and evolution of the pick-and-roll, including the latest innovations and versions of the play from Spain pick-and-roll to the Exit screen.

Twitter: @elgee35

Ben Taylor is the author of Thinking Basketball, a Nylon Calculus contributor, creator of the Backpicks Top 40 series & host of the Thinking Basketball podcast.

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Footage in this video is owned by the NBA and its partners. It is intended for critique and education.

Music by csus (instrumental)

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I could literally watch hours of this. So much fun to see all the intricacies of NBA offenses.


This is one of the best sports YouTube videos I've ever seen. Great premise, tons of historical clips and context, so much team variety, clear on-screen annotations to follow everyone's role - it's just all fantastic. I already loved the channel but this is just on a whole new level


This was awesome. Would love to see a similar deep-dive into how zone defense has been utilized/evolved over the years, particularly with how many variants are utilized today.


Chris paul/lob city should get an honorable mention w their high horns PNR set. Their personnel gave them the best spacing, and they got a good shot every trip down the court !


I can't stop watching these. Best basketball content


So thankful for your content. Liking basketball is one thing, APPRECIATING it and all it's machinations is a whole other level.


Even more than his stepback, or his fadeaway, or his drives, Luka's ability to make something out of nothing in the pick and roll is probably his most dangerous skill. While most point guards, as you said, have about 4-5 options, Luka has too many to count. Hit the roll man, throw a lob, pick and pop, pull up 3, stepback 3 or middy, floater, fire a laser to a spot up shooter anywhere on the floor, hit a cutter, stop and pop mid-range, clear out the floor and post up, or often times, an absolutely ridiculous junk shot to draw a foul (that still goes in half the time!). imo, Luka is the best offensive creator in the league. Not the best overall player or even scorer (Giannis and KD), but the hardest to stop from getting a positive result on any given play.


That's why it's so fun to watch CP3, Luka, and Trae Young if you're into playmaking. They see all what's happening in the court in split seconds and make you surprised, "How did he see that?" Jokic gives me this expression, too but he works mostly in high post.


I don't think you fully realize how appreciative I am of this type of content. Both the NFL and the NBA don't do a lot of Xs and Os, electing to instead focusing on narratives. I absolutely adore that you do the exact opposite with these analysis videos. And I can't wait for the next one you do. Same with your player and team breakdowns. All of it is very insightful and has very high production quality


rly dope to see the actual evolution of basketball and the strategy behind it


Hubie Brown has said that the purpose of setting screens is to make the defense think. Always liked that. A momentary mix-up, or even a split second of indecision, and the offense has an easy bucket.


so beautiful you included old school players like oscar


Highest quality basketball content on YouTube! Can't get enough.


Yep really good point about the 7 seconds Suns. People who weren’t watching back then might see them as constantly being in transition mostly due to the name. And sure they were way faster in pace than almost anyone before them for a long time, at least in the “modern NBA” and especially vs the early mid 90s to 2000s. So yea compared to an early 2000s Pistons Spurs game they were constantly in transition in comparison.

Average pace by year fell to 92.9 in 94-95, then 91.8 in 95-96, 90.1 in 96-97, 90.3 in 97-98, 88.9 in 98-99, 93.1 in 99-‘00, then 90.3, 88.9, 93.1, 91.3, 90.7, 91.0, 90.1, 90.9, and 90.5 in 05-06. So between 94-95 and 05-06, it was mostly in the very very low 90s.

The last time it got to 92.9+ after 94-95 was 93.9 in 13-14 and 14-15. Then it has gone up from there, hitting 100 in 18-19, 100.3 in 19-20, and 99.2 in 20-21.

The Suns in 05-06 were at 95.8. That was obviously 1st in the league, and if you look at average pace by season, their pace was faster than the average pace in the NBA from 93-94 to 12-13. 13-14 the average pace was 93.9. So it’s pretty crazy the pace they had that year was higher than the average for like 20 seasons.

But yea the half court offense is a very under-looked part of the 7 seconds Suns days, and this video is awesome as usual. Happy to see you got the opportunity to make a video on the NBA’s channel, and I hope they’re letting you get full monetization using their footage since it’s fair use anyway. I’ve been a long time reader/listener/watcher of your work and it’s cool to see you getting more exposure. I never miss a video or podcast. You’re seriously the best at what you do and that’s not hyperbole.

I hope to see you being a guest on more podcasts, it’s awesome to see you pop up on some of the other pods I love like, and would love to see you guest on more. I know you’ve been on some of these, I forget the exact list, but some of my favorites are: Dunc’d On, Hollinger and Duncan, RealGM Radio, The Void on the Ringer with KOC, Game Theory with Sam Vecenie, The BBALL Breakdown with Coach Nick, and a more young group of podcasters with Kenny “KOT4Q” Beecham who is very well established, and his podcast with his friends called Through The Wire. That’d be such an awesome collab. Even if it’s just more of a 1 on 1 w/ Kenny or whatever. He’s a young content creator that has paved the way for a younger group and he’s fantastic, just an awesome guy.


As a hooper and a coach, I your breakdowns. I love watching other hoop-heads that KNOW what basketball looks like in it’s most beautiful moments. I appreciate you.


This might just be one of the most concise breakdowns of Basketball's most simple play, and yet turns into a basketball analysis masterpiece that I have not come across on ANY form of media. I cannot overstate how highly I personally rate this video - just mindblowing observation after mindblowing observation on a topic that, frankly, I thought I had down pat.
Thank you for the much-needed dose of humility, and the content that seems to have achieved an already lofty summit, yet somehow continues to climb to ever greater heights. Much respect and love, brother!


One of the aspects of the modern game I appreciate is the threat of the 3 point shot and how it's opened up the game. In the case of the pick and roll, we can see how the defense has to come out high even beyond the 3 pt line which often results in a 4 on 3 or even a 3 on 2 half court "fast break".


I knew setting screens so often had become ubiquitous when I saw four kids around the age of 9 or 10 practicing pick and rolls in the park by themselves, one of them leading like the next Steve Nash


As someone who loves your content, this may be my fav so far. So detailed, yet accessible.


I'm sure you get this on most of your videos but after watching this one in particular I feel that you've really increased my appreciation for basketball. I'm very excited to watch an NBA game with the insights you've given to me.
