The Benefits of PLM (ROI): Choosing your path to PLM with Tech-Clarity

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PLM Return on Investment (ROI) can be quantified through measurable improvements in how organizations manage engineering data, processes, and products. Top-performing companies are 47 percent more likely to use PLM, so they’re more likely to develop and design innovative products more quickly. That’s because engineers spend up to a third of their time on non-value-added tasks and smaller jobs that can easily be automated with a PLM system in place. The benefits of PLM (ROI) can be tracked and measured in this way and many more.
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Engineers are the first to experience the benefits of PLM, but the ripple effect of its ROI can be felt throughout an entire organization. Higher engineering efficiency translates into faster time to market and better customer satisfaction. Improved visibility in design gets products right the first time, translating to fewer recalls and warranty work. And lastly, manufacturing and sourcing can get started sooner, so production can ramp up quickly to meet customer demand. And all of this results in improved customer loyalty and a larger market share.

Cloud-based PLM offers a number of benefits large corporation as well as small and medium-sized businesses:
• Efficiency: Tailored solutions to meet specific needs
• Productivity: In-depth understanding of company workflow
• Fast implementation: Immediate access through a browser
• Distributed total ownership: Subscriptions don’t require large, up-front technology investments
• Extended collaboration: Enable input from internal and external stakeholders
• Security: Intellectual property remains secure
The benefits of PLM (ROI) touch every part of an organization, and it can be accomplished with little to no IT support.


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