Power shortages, my blackout experience & why russian orcs will never win. Vlog 229: War in Ukraine.

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Real life stories about russian war against independent Ukraine. Short war stories that the world needs to know. Ask your questions and get your answers. I am not a professional vlogger, but I feel YouTube community needs more truth. Stand with Ukraine!
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The smile during "We are going to dive into the darkness, are you ready?" - you are a legend, Anna 🇺🇦 ✌️


No words. I hate that we're not doing more to stop this war...rr Normandy, Fra.


The resiliency of Ukraine is legendary


The Ukrainian spirit is indomitable - you can be bent, and yet you do not break. "As tough as a Ukrainian" is about to catch on in a big way.
Your country and people are an inspiration to the world. 🇺🇦


Thank You Anna. You bring a unique perspective to the pro Ukraine channels. We will not give up on Ukraine!!


You are a bright light in a dark time. I love the Ukrainian spirit. Freedom is very precious.


Thank you for your daily vlogs, Anna. I'm trying to spread the word about your channel around me in Zürich. Switzerland may be officially "neutral" but most of us are heart and soul with Ukrainian people !

Slava Ukraini 🇨🇭🇺🇦


I'm absolutely certain they will never overcome you. The light that shines from within you is brighter than anything. I have never admired another country as much as I admire Ukraine. You inspire us all over the world ❤️


Thank you, Anna!! It was kind of scary to me seeing the darkness outside. But, you are so amazing, you always find the good, even in the midst of terrible hardships. You are a symbol of why Ukraine will win this war. Thank you for everything you do!! 💙💛


We had our first snow in Germany today, reminded me of when I worked in winter farming and made me think of how our Ukrainian borthers and sisters are faring. Stay strong, hundreds of millions of people are behind the Ukrainian cause.


We had our first snow in Toronto yesterday, it is beautiful here. Keep it up Anna -- we are here to keep you warm with witness of your nation's fight for freedom. Stay warm!!


Anna you are an amazing lady and it makes me feel so helpless that I wish we could do more to help the Ukrainian people as much as we can, we in the west are fighting a proxy war in truth and this evil rogue state must be beaten and the head of the snake eliminated, I ask a question, are we in the west doing enough as far as support with equipment etc and could we do more! Anna I pray for your safety sending you much love from the UK


In Eastern Canada we have had the same problem ( lengthy power outages) recently due to a hurricane...that someone would do this intentionally is beyond reprehensible; it is criminal. Ukrainians seem incredibly strong and resilient. God bless.


Great vlog Anna, I am very impressed with how Ukrainians are handling all this terror from their crazy neighbor.


Your a warrior ANNA , god bless you and thank you for the true information coming out of Ukraine 🇺🇦


Anna what you do is very important you are a light shinning through the darkness of this war you will always shine for Ukraine and all it's people stay safe and hugs from USA.


Good evening from Vienna, hope to find everyone as well as can be expected under the circumstances.


Always nice to hear you, Anna. A bright spot in the day.


When I was a child we lived in a farm house far from any town. (USA) After one big snowstorm we lost electricity for 3 days- the utility truck could not come and repair our lines until the snowplow came. I remember my mother cooking scrambled eggs and ham in a big iron pan in the fireplace, and my father being anxious about grease getting on the carpet. It was an adventure for us children! Of course it was not bombs, just snow, and we knew we were okay and the time without electricity would be brief.


Hello Anna. It is dark out, and yes a night walk can be quite enjoyable, if there's ne war in your backyard. There is a gleeful tone in your voice as you show us the Lutsk at night. I'm glad your spirits remain up. I understand about the dark of course but the aura of the city at night is sometimes romantic. I pray your lights and heat remain adequate, and your health strong.
I noticed you mentioned, almost under your breath, something about pour numbers, I hope you don't need to let that be disturbing. They are what they are. And God is still God!!!
'Till another time, Dave
