What to do when Adenium's Caudex Become Soft ? Best Soil & Care for Adenium Bonsai | Grow Adenium 😎

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What to do when Adenium's Caudex Become Soft ? Best Soil & Care for Adenium Bonsai | Water deficiency


➡ What is the Affect of Water on Plants ?

▶ Answer :- If a plant's soil has too much water, the roots can rot, and the plant can't get enough oxygen from the soil. If there is not enough water for aplant, the nutrients it needs cannot travel through the plant. A plant cannot grow if it doesn't have healthy roots, so the proper balance of water is key when growing plants.

➡ Water stress – Why and how?

▶Plants experience water stress either when the water supply to their roots becomes limiting or when the transpiration rate becomes intense. Water stress is primarily caused by the water deficit, i.e. drought or high soil salinity. In case of high soil salinity and also in other conditions like flooding and low soil temperature, water exists in soil solution but plants cannot uptake it – a situation commonly known as ‘physiological drought’. Drought occurs in many parts of the world every year, frequently experienced in the field grown plants under arid and semi-arid climates. Regions with adequate but non-uniform precipitation also experience water limiting environments.
Since the dawn of agriculture, mild to severe drought has been one of the major production-limiting factors. Consequently, the ability of plants to withstand such stress is of immense economic importance. The general effects of drought on plant growth are fairly well known. However, the primary effect of water deficit at the biochemical and molecular levels are not considerably understood yet and such understanding is crucial. All plants have tolerance to water stress, but the extent varies from species to species. Knowledge of the biochemical and molecular responses to drought is essential for a holistic perception of plant resistance mechanisms to water limited conditions in higher plants.

➡ Effects of water stress on plants ~

▶ Drought, as an abiotic stress, is multidimensional in nature, and it affects plants at various levels of their organization. In fact, under prolonged drought, many plants will dehydrate and die. Water stress in plants reduces the plant cell’s water potential and turgor, which elevate the solutes’ concentrations in the cytosol and extracellular matrices. As a result, cell enlargement decreases leading to growth inhibition and reproductive failure. This is followed by accumulation of abscisic acid (ABA) and compatible osmolytes like proline, which cause wilting. At this stage, overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and formation of radical scavenging compounds such as ascorbate and glutathione further aggravate the adverse influence. Drought not only affects plant water relations through the reduction of water content, turgor and total water, it also affects stomatal closure, limits gaseous exchange, reduces transpiration and arrests carbon assimilation (photosynthesis) rates. Negative effects on mineral nutrition (uptake and transport of nutrients) and
metabolism leads to a decrease in the leaf area and alteration in assimilate partitioning among the organs. Alteration in plant cell wall elasticity and disruption of homeostasis and ion distribution in the cell has also been reported. Synthesis of new protein and mRNAs associated with the drought response is another outcome of water stress on plants. Under the water stress cell expansion slows down or ceases, and plant growth is retarded.
However, water stress influences cell enlargement more than cell division. Plant growth under drought is influenced by altered photosynthesis, respiration, translocation, ion uptake, carbohydrates, nutrient metabolism, and hormones.
Рекомендации по теме

This was super helpful! My plant was in the same condition. Hopeful 2 days from now it will be happy!


Thank you ...I was searching video for my adenium plant, ,,,same symptoms I saw In my adenium...


Nice video. Condition of my adenium plant is same. Should I repot it at this time, ,?


Your video tells about care of adenium in summer. How to care it in winters ? Please share some tips.


I noticed some white very soft egg typed thing in my plant, removed it, repotted but now its caudex is very soft. What is this white substance, is it fungus or something else, how to cure it


khub sundar hoyeche bhai,
Shubho Kamona


tu apna speaking skill sudharo..
aysa boltay ho ki sunn ke neend aa jay


Sir agar aap bura na maane toh thoda sa apna bolne ka speed zyada kariye, kunki video bahut lamba ho jata hai.
