This Laundromat Makes $3 Million?

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We invested $100,000 into this laundromat with an idea these gents had of building out the future of laundromats and laundry delivery services. Listen to how they are going to hit that $3million number and how you can learn to cashflow on laundromats!

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#passiveincome #laundry #laundromats #passiveinvesting
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LOVE the longer former and deeper dives into your boring businesses! Specifically love hearing more cost breakdowns, numbers, "things that go wrong". Super valuable and full of insight!


Jobs will pay your bills business will make you rich but investment makes and keep you wealthy, the future is inevitable, I hope you become successful!


Great content, Every family has that one person who will break the family financial struggle I hope you become the one ☺


This is very smart he added a logistics business to the laundromat and delivered anywhere between 40 and 50 mile radius as to other competitors only deliver 6 mile radius


Mark is a rising star in the industry and making waves where experts previously thought there were limits. You could definitely see all the soul and passion as infrastructure in a growing business. Great interview, host, and production into the video!


"Everyone has one job and one job only" This is an amazing model, in my old job as a bartender, we had a million little things to do and we would be jumping up and downstairs constantly because of lack of staff and even when we had staff we would all be doing a bit of everything, this is annoying for everyone. I think if more businesses went by this model staff would be happier knowing what they are doing and can get into a routine. Very interesting video all businesses should watch


9:10, what would you say was the biggest factor for year after year growth? Was it marketing? Implementing tech? or something totally different?


Liked the bit with Mario the driver telling his story. Great to hear the employee pov. Reinforces/encourages that It’s all about the people.


Hello. I'm actually looking for a good
trader that can help me trade and make good profit, Ive been seeing so many recommendations but i don't think they're trusted. Please do you have any recommendation?


The 3 mil really went to the folks who sell the trucks and laundry machines. In your next video maybe you can show the books and reconcile those with the bank statements and tax returns.


Can't say enough about your content the quality and details of your content (logos, cinematography and music choice) is why I keep watching your stuff. Congrats to your team.


" less Wal Mart on the street..." Love this 😍Hubby and I are debt free aside from our mortgage and looking into starting a business like this. Thank you for the great content and info!


Waste of money - makes enough to keep afloat - but not enough with the headaches and rude people.


As a small business owner I have to say this is NOT for 95% of future business owners. This requires huge capital expenditure, software, labor, learning's a huge risk for anyone who is not backed by BIG money investor. And it requires operating expertise. Only the BIG company can do this level of service, from design to service this is more like a franchise not a small business. It maybe impressive to show a $3M topline, I can guess after rent, lease of the machines, utilities, labor, accounting, payroll taxes, and much more...they maybe netting 5 to 10% pure profits, but one big advantage they got is they built a business model that can scale, with caveat of as long as even more millions are constantly poured in from big money investors. In other words, nice production but not practical for most small business wannbe owners. It's extremely hard if not impossible to find or start a true operator owner small business that generates real profits and won't bankrupt you. My advice is to all small business owner wannbe/aspired to be is don't waste time day dream a business like this, rather start small, anything literally, get your feet wet on running a business, meaning selling, collecting money, pay bills, once you got that down ideas will come to you. NO one here on Youtube will share anything real with you, you will learn almost nothing from these videos. Other than oh wow they already made it. Do the actual work of selling buying paying sweating stressing grinding, do it for years, you will very quickly figure what works what doesn't and the real secrets of running a place and profit from it.


The real trick to these places making money is the passive income from the night time laundry service. When normally the place would be closed and thus making no money. He is able to exploit that down time and maximize profits. Good for him


OMG your last phrase was right on the money. When you mentioned about Walmart. I don't shop in one, don't support one and I only want to support my local guys and gals. Thank you fascinating and wonderful business on most simplistic level


This is really fascinating about how they operate their facility and each person has their role like an assembly line. Curious to know the breakout of the $3mil in revenues for payroll, operational costs, and net profit. #6 vid today. Thanks for the fabulous content.


$3million in revenue sounds like a nice number over the $900k without delivery. But the man power, vehicles, insurance, etc. are all incredibly expensive. She says $3mil but she showed the sheets. The net profit is $81k.


Love this content!
Pro Tip: Use a lav mic.
If you ever cover a business in the Vegas area, hit me up. I'll help you bring your production value to the next level.


Very smart. Not many people change the oil on their car or even wash their car. We outsource so much. Outsource the laundry. I love it. Just ordered The Toyota Way book also. Thank you for expanding my vision.
