My Classroom Point System

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Here is the breakdown of how I do participation points each day and how I tally them at the end of the week to reflect the student's "Classwork" grade.

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Kia Orion
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At the end of last year, I put out a cardboard box for students to put their phones in while working on their final group project. I told them they would get extra credit for everyday that the whole group put their phones in. AND THEY LOVED IT. One student told me she wished all her teachers would do that. When I asked why I needed a box, "why can't you just put your phone in your pocket?", she told me: "I JUST WANT A REWARD".
Sounds like your point system. They want to know we're paying attention and validating their efforts.


I love this idea! I do something similar. I hand out little Extra Credit Point Tickets to my high school students when ever they participate, and etc. Then on Grade Check days (Wednesdays), they can turn in their lil tickets for extra credit. It's easier to manage for me since I only am adding those points in once a week. And also teaches the student to be responsible and not lose their lil tickets. I noticed the students like having a tangible reward even if it is just a little piece of colorful paper. (Also I cap the extra credit they can earn in a quarter to an amount my principal agreed on, which was half a letter grade of their final grade) (And since it is extra credit, it does not hurt students that are absent)


Thank you for this and all your vids. Starting an 8th grade ELA job this year and your openness about your process has been huge for me as I prepare.


I love this stuff! Positive peer pressure through earning points has worked wonders for me through the years. Every quarter I do class challenges based on a theme the students pick. My theme now? Netflix. I have team Stranger Things, The Office, Barbie Dreamhouse, Infinity War, and Walking Dead. They compete in daily challenges to win a class party. I also have smaller rewards weekly like free seating on Fridays to classes that work hard. Reynolds totally has this one right!


Hey Reynolds!

Just wondering, do you introduce the point system during the first class or do a littler later in the week e.g. day 2 or day 3?

Thanks for all the great tips Reynolds!


i love that you green screened yourself into your classroom for this video. XD


I have one as well, and its weighted 1/4 of a students overall grade is from their "Daily Points". 1/4 is a Weekly Sketchbook, and 2/4 is their Project work. I put my "Daily Points" in at the end of each day usually, sometimes I do them all at the end of the week. I find it much easier to just enter them in throughout the day when I have time. The students get an alert to their phone when there grade is updated and without avail, I will always have a random student or 2 show up within seconds to question me about their grade.


I love this! I use a point system too (middle school)...and I have students self evaluate at the end of the period...but now I have a better guide. I think it is a good skill to self reflect "What kind of student was I today?"


I use a point system too. I have 1 class work point per day and 1 participation point per day, which I combine at the end of the week to make it 100%. This is 40% of the students' grade, so it's pretty important. But I teach foreign language, so I think participation is key in my class.


Looking snazzy in that thumbnail! On point with the teacher fashion 👌🏼


Hi Reynolds. What do you use these points for in class ? My students will ask me “What will I get for those points ?” for sure ! Thanks and I like your energy and cookyness !


I do something similar but got fired up about the imaginary extra points! Gonna start giving those out like candy. Thanks for giving my kids an imaginary boost to their grades. Which are usually imaginary as well.


Appreciate your videos! They're a great resource for a soon-to-be first year teacher


This is awesome bro. Going to implement this in my classroom this year. Start year 3 of freshmen World Geography next Thursday. Hopefully you have a great year!


Love this! I might give it a try this year. 🔥👩🏻‍🏫


At my school (elementary) we have a clip chart system (clip up for good, clip down for not good) that works as a behavior management system. The colors have point values and are recorded at the end of each day. I have mixed feelings about it, but overall, I've found that most students respond well enough to it. We try not to attach it to academic success as much as behavior, problem solving, and motivation so that all kids can experience success and feeling of ending on a good color and getting a lot of points. Up until last year the points affected a conduct grade, but then we found out that it was illegal(? or something like that) and nixed the grade aspect of it (which I was cool with). Points are usually tallied and accumulated to earn some kind of trip or experience.


I love this idea! Of course my district, like many others, does not allow us to use behavior as a factor for grades. Where is the loophole? How do you get around that? What are some other incentives you can use the points for?


Absolutely love this idea, as always you are very helpful even in the simplest ways, thank you!


Hey Reynolds! Quick question,
You mentioned in today's Teacher Talk Sunday that you don't use the point system in class now. Could you explain why or maybe make a video talking about it? I'm debating about using the point system next school year and would like to hear your thoughts.
Thanks for everything you do! You made my first year of teaching absolutely the best year!! (Technically I only got 3/4 of my first year thanks to this virus but still.. Thank you!)


Love this strategy! I will try it someday when I have my own classroom! Are these actually points that affect their grade?
