How Weak Are The Death Knights in Hearthstone?

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The Death Knights were the first set of hero cards we got in Hearthstone, but that was in 2017, how bad are they now?

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#HS #Hearthstone #Rarran

The Best Decks So Far in Hearthstone's Newest Expansion

Rarran, RegisKillbin, Zeddy, trump, thijs and other hearthstone youtubers all play different hs gamemodes. Duels, Battlegrounds, Standard, Arena and Wild are in the game that can new cards from new expansions to climb and win HS games.
Hearthstone is a card game based on WOW, it is also a digital card game.
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You look fantastic! Have a good friday!


Bloodreaver Gul'dan was actually insane when Cubelock was the meta. Your board could never be empty; just insane amounts of value.


Fun fact: Rexar’s aoe has a secret interaction, "the arrows" acquire whatever properties the bow (weapon) he is currently using, like lifesteal or poisonous.


I really loved Knights Of The Frozen Throne just because of the DK Heroes..

Midrange Hunter with DK was the best deck I have ever played. The fact that you could craft your own minion was just incredible. There were some spicy combos when you mixed some specific beasts.
Control Warlock was my favourite deck as well back in the days. It was really good, but it required some skill for sure.

God.. I miss these good old days.. :D


I think a more accurate title for this is "How Weak Are The Death Knights in today's meta". I think it's fair to compare not their design by today's standards but instead how efficient they were in the meta they were released in versus how efficient the current hero cards are in our meta today.

Power creeping has always been a thing in games and that affects the card design alot as the years go on, making alot of old cards incomparable to newer ones. I think a more objective way to view whether each Death Knight was "weak" is by seeing how good they were in the meta they were in because they were surrounded by roughly the same power level of cards.

For example, alot of the "weaker" Death Knights in the video didn't really account for the cards surrounding each class during the time that I believe were big factors in the design of the death knights:
Warrior had more cards with benefits if damaged, with Rotface, Death Revenant in addition to classic cards like Battle Rage and Frothing Berserker. Additionally, the weapon was great removal because it provided 3 charges of on average 8 damage spread out, or just 12 damage face. Since warrior ran dead man's hand as their answer to fatigue, a slightly more expensive whirlwind each turn enabled cards like the raptor summoner into special armor strong and shiny, blood warriors, Queen Mosh (if I remember correctly they nerfed her to 9 mana because of the hero power Mosh combo), the list goes on if we include other cards from expansions at that time because warrior constantly had these cards that benefited from being damaged.

Rogue was especially fun and strong in my opinion because of A. It's ability to grant you immunity for a turn and B. it's ability to copy cards you're normally restricted to only having 1 or 2 copies of. If I remember correctly, thief rogue was popular after the obnoxious quest rotated out so constantly having a way to either easily trigger combos by using the combo card before activating it with the shadow, or by generating extra value with battlecry value gens was very good.

Just listing things I think are worth noting. I agree that because of power creeping, the majority of the death knights are obsolete in today's meta but I don't think we could really call any of them "weak" in design. I still loved the video and like how you put your thoughts across Rarran!


8:25 you for real?? Deathstalker Rexxar was, from what I remember of his time in standard, THE reason Hunter was so consistently viable. Sure, Zuljin’s battlecry is immediately more impactful, but Deathstalker Rexxar was able to solo against control decks basically. Hunters actually ran both Hero cards in the same deck back in Rastakhan because of this

I think basing the viability of these cards in current-day Standard purely off of 1 game in Wild is… a bit of a flawed way to evaluate the true strength of these cards, I guess? But then again, I guess there’s really no other options we can work with


It's worth noting, there was a developer interview where they stated Shaman's DK was originally going to revolve around a freeze mechanic. This is further supported by their legendary seemingly feeling out of place with how the kit is supposed to work, essentially becoming the laughing stock of the class legendaries even to this day. I can't recall exactly what the original design entailed but we can hypothesie even by Thrall's VA that it involved freeze effects. I believe they mention his battlecry would have revolved around freezing the board and his hero power would have most likely given him the ability to freeze any minion, which would makes sense and synergise really well with Morabi. But obviously your opponent being unable to do anything to you and your entire mechanic revolving around that for a single class proved really boring so they went with an unexpected evolve mechanic which kinda ended up working? Like Evolve Shaman is fun but it always odd to me how it felt a big inconsistent with the whole DK theme that everyone class shared.


Man the only Hunter deck what i loved is that Spell hunter was with deathknight card


I love Deathstalker Rexxar, sadly Blizz seem like doesn't want Hunter to have good late game deck and only push for early game face I really hate it.


Frost lich jaina with wildfires and teckless apprentices would absolutely see play if any relevant elementals actually existed. Varden is broken, so is least for standard, I'd think
too slow in wild.


What do you mean!? The death knights are strong. Jaina, Anduin, Gul'Dan and Malfurion DKs are good. Sure, they got power crept, but that is another story all together.


I got Deathstalker Rexxar from a pack, made a face hunter (got it from a Kripp video) and included him, and fucking won against an entire priest deck basically using only his hero power lmao.

Genuinely the most cheese-filled experience I've ever had in Hearthstone. Will never forget it.


Bloodreaver guldan was so broken when it had access to doomguard. In cubelock you could often summon like 3-4 doomguards for insane burst (not to mention a value board) when you played it.


I agree on all except frost lich jaina. That dk was so good and would be even better with the hero power enhancements mage has now


I think Valeera got underrated a bit.

Copying cards becomes stronger when the cards you have are stronger, totally possible there are some incredible combos with it atm


Here as a wild player to note the cards in the current wild meta:

The 2 cards that have seen play since forever and have their own win conditions:
- Bloodreaver guldan has seen the last amount of play and in the current meta is too expensive to play in the Tier 1 reno-warlock.
- Shadowreaper anduin has been replaced with the priest quest for reno priest and therefore bringing an end to the Tier 1 raza-priest deck.

The rest of the death-nights see no play, you might play deathstalker rexxar in reno-hunter, ... but reno-hunter is not viable in the wild format.
And you addressed the rest in the video already: the cards are too expensive and the current hero cards are just better.


They were I never want any part of Frost Lich Jaina again


I feel like a couple of these didn't age too well lol

Uther of the Ebon Blade with Jailer basically guarantees your exodia,
Frost Lich Jaina is much better with elementals like Lokholar, Geddon and Neptulon.

The rest are pretty accurate though and its interesting to see how much has changed


I still run DK Gul'dan in wild, super strong with stuff like mal'ganis, doomguards, etc etc


I haven't played Hearthstone in 7 years and never had any intention of playing it again as a thing called LIFE got in the way lol, but I recently discovered your channel and have been binging your vids like crazy. Just the other day I told myself "Damn these videos are fucking amazing but I don't think I'll play again" cut to me binging a couple of more videos from your channel "Fuck it I'm getting back in". All that was just to say your videos are amazing and I hope you continue to make great content!
