Peninsula Inside Ep27 South and North Korean Languages: How Different Are They?

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South and North Korean Languages: How Different Are They?
On October 9, South Koreans celebrate the invention and proclamation of Hangul, the Korean alphabet. Although South and North Korea still use the same alphabet, the seven-decade split of the Korean peninsula has created a visible gap between the languages used in the two countries. Find out how different they are and what efforts are being made to bridge the gap.

같은 듯 다른 남북한 언어
10월 9일은 한국 5대 국경일 중 하나인 한글날. 한국 고유의 문자인 한글의 소중함을 되새기고 언어문화를 바르게 다잡는 날이다. 하지만 분단이라는 아픔 속에 반쪽짜리 한글날이 된 지 오래. 남과 북은 같은 문자, 같은 언어를 쓰면서도 전혀 다른 언어문화를 갖게 됐는데. 분단 70주년인 2015년 현재, 남과 북의 언어는 얼마나 달라졌을까?
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i love the focus on WHEN korea unites. WHEN language integration happens. it's not even just positive words. there are actual ideas here about how to go about such a thing and predictions of the adverse response.
i love this!


I think they should not recommend to change the accent, but only to learn the most common words that differ with their accent and let the evolution of accent to the person and not forcing them to speak like in a particular way.

Trying to keep and promote minoritarian languages and dialects brings to the country and to the language cultural wealth, creates jobs and makes life less homogeneous and boring


4:04 Even North Korea agrees that pluto is a planet


I'm from Sweden and I just wonder from a outside view. Which "sounds better" to a korean? Or can you compare how the North/South sounds in contrast to American or English dialects? From what I understand South Korean has more english or "koreanified english" words Does that mean that North Korea has a more "pure" language or like traditional way of speaking? For example My grandad or just old people in general only use "traditional" words. I still understand all words they says it's just the way they make up their sentences and no use of newer english words in the swedish language. I was wondering because I do not speak Korean so I dont really "hear" the diffrences.


Why they strife to unification instead just to economical union and open borders? Its like merge again western Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania again into one country


Why defect? they are not defect they just speak differently :< sad
